What can Gullene Barry’s dangerous syndrome be spread like Corona? Know the answer

Kornavirus disease began in 2020 and took the form of an epidemic. This epidemic had kept the whole world disturbed for three years. From now on, GBS (Gleen Barry syndrome) disease is also quickly spread. In Pune, a death and 116 cases were revealed on this disease. Many people are on the fan. Many questions arise on this subject, that this disease can take the form of an epidemic? In recent months, many research and cases have revealed that there is a special link between COVID-19 and Guilan-Baire syndrome (GBS).

A special discussion takes place on how the two diseases spread

Research on both diseases included 156 studies, which included 436 patients. The conclusions show that the average age of patients is 61.38 years and that most of them are men. GBS symptoms started on average 19 days after the COVVI-19 infection starts. The symptoms found mainly in relation to the GBS include things such as weakness, reflex deficiency, one side of the face / paralysis and hyposthesis. How dangerous GBS?

According to the American National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Cerebral Vascular Accidents (NINDS), Guleen Barry syndrome is a rare neurological disease. It causes peripheral nervous damage and swelling. According to Ninds, the risk of blood coagulation, cardiac arrest and infection increases in patients with SGB. Each year, around 7.5% of patients by suffering die in the world. 20% of patients should go to the fan and 25% of patients cannot walk for at least 6 months.

Symptoms of Guleen Barry syndrome


Swell on the face

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Walking problem

Blur eyes in front of the eye

Rotary neck problem

Body pain with bite

Weakness and tremors of hands and feet

Treatment of Guilan-Baire syndrome

1. Plasma exchange – This is a process in which the cells of the immune system are eliminated from the blood and replaced by a fresh plasma.

2. Immunoglobulin – It is a kind of protein, which helps to remove the immune system.

3. Corticosteroids – This is a drug that is used to cure the immune system.

4. Physiotherapy. He tries to increase the strength of muscles and joints.

Corona symptoms are completely different from GBS


Sneezing, flowing nose, closed nose,



Muscle pain


Fever with a cup

Respiratory problem

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Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned.

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