What happens when your water breaks during pregnancy? How dangerous is the first rupture?

The bursting of amniotic fluid during pregnancy is a normal and important process, which indicates that labor is near. This sac, which "amniotic sac" It is said that it protects the child in the mother’s womb and nourishes it. When the time of delivery approaches, this sac bursts, which is commonly called "water break" Is called.

Rupture of the amniotic sac in normal times
In most cases, the amniotic sac ruptures after 37-40 weeks of pregnancy. After the sac bursts, the birth process begins and a few hours later the child is born. In this situation, everything is normal and the mother and child remain safe.

Early Breakup, How Dangerous Is It?
If your waters burst before 37 weeks, this can be a cause for concern. "premature rupture of membranes" (PROM). In this condition, the risk of infection increases for both the mother and the child, because after the sac bursts, the child can come into direct contact with the external environment. Apart from this, the child’s lungs and other organs do not fully develop, which can harm his health.

What to do if your water breaks early?
If you feel that your water has broken before 37 weeks, contact your doctor immediately. The doctor will assess your condition and may advise you to be hospitalized. With prompt treatment, both mother and child can be assured of safety.

Other tips
The rupture of the water bag at the right time is a natural process, but if it bursts prematurely then it should not be taken lightly. Always follow the doctor’s advice and follow his instructions. This can protect the health of both the mother and the child.

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Does the pain come first or does the water burst?
In most cases, before delivery, first labor pains begin. This pain slowly increases and becomes more acute within a few hours. With this pain, the muscles of the uterus begin to contract, which causes the baby to begin to descend.

However, in some women, the amniotic fluid bursts first, and then the pain begins. When the amniotic sac bursts, the water comes out of the uterus suddenly or slowly. This is a sign that the time of delivery is very close and you should go to the hospital immediately.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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