What is CHPV infection? Its risk increases with monkeypox.

Cauliflower pox virus infection : Amidst the monkeypox menace, another infection in India has increased the concern. After Gujarat, its case has now reached Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan as well. Its name is Chandipura virus.

In July this year, the ravages of this virus were seen in some parts of Gujarat. It can also be fatal. Health experts are therefore calling for vigilance. Chandipura virus (CHPV) is a member of the Rhabdoviridae family. Its danger is more visible in rural areas. Children are more vulnerable there. This infection is caused by the bites of mosquitoes and certain types of flies. All about it…

How is Chandipura virus spread?

The first case of Chandipura virus occurred in 1965 in Chandipura, a village in Maharashtra. It also gets its name from here. Its cases occur almost every year in Gujarat. But this time, the number of cases has increased rapidly. This virus is related to baculovirus. This means that this infection is spread through the bite of vectors like mosquitoes and sandflies.

It is quite dangerous. Young children are at greater risk. Due to its infection, there may be swelling of the head, which later becomes a neurological disease. Negligence in investigation and treatment can become fatal.

What are the symptoms of Chandipura virus?

high fever

vomiting with fever

Deterioration of mental state, altered consciousness

light problem, i.e. photophobia



stiff neck

have a crisis

How to avoid Chandipura virus

maintain hygiene

stay away from wild animals

sleep with a mosquito net

  How to lose weight and get in shape by walking

wear long sleeves

strengthen immunity

Stay away from insects and mosquitoes

What is the treatment for Chandipura treatment?

There is no specific antiviral treatment for Chandipura virus. Since it is a deadly and fatal disease, its symptoms can also worsen quickly, so it is important to get it checked on time. Doctors treat it according to the symptoms. Proper care is required during treatment.

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