What is hemorrhagic eye virus? Know how it spreads, its symptoms and treatment

Marburg virus disease (MVD), commonly known as “hemorrhagic eye virus”. It is caused by the Marburg virus. The average mortality rate associated with this virus is approximately 50%. The natural host of the virus is Roussetus aegyptiacus. It is a species of fruit bat. Marburg virus is generally spread in two ways. It spreads from bat to human or human to human through blood or bleeding in the infected person’s body.

The most common symptom of hemorrhagic eye virus is a high fever. Fever may be accompanied by headache and severe malaise. Its common symptoms are


severe watery diarrhea

stomach ache

nausea vomiting

non-itchy rash

hemorrhagic manifestation

In severe cases of Bleeding Eye Virus, central nervous system involvement is observed, where symptoms of confusion, irritability and aggressiveness can be observed in patients.

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Marburg virus disease is usually diagnosed using tests such as ELISA or RT-PCR. When the disease is confirmed. Treatment should therefore be initiated immediately with rehydration therapy and symptomatic management. There are currently no specific antiviral medications to treat MVD. Certain preventative measures can help protect individuals from illness caused by an infected bat or person.

Typhoid Diet: If you are suffering from typhoid, keep yourself away from these things, otherwise your life will be in danger.

If you visit or work in mines or caves where bats live, be sure to wear protective clothing. It is important that patients with MVD remain isolated for 21 days to prevent further spread.

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