What is imposter syndrome, when do you suffer from it?

A person of any age can fall victim to imposter syndrome. In fact, it is a kind of confusion that arises in the mind and can happen to anyone. Let us tell you that it happens to about 70 percent of people. It is a psychological phenomenon, known as imposter syndrome, which refers to a person’s belief that you consider yourself a failure despite plenty of evidence that you are competent and quite successful.


It is perceived based on a person’s personality, situation and circumstances. If you think this way after seeing the people around you, then you shouldn’t do it. Because there are all kinds of people in the world and everyone’s lifestyle is different.



What is imposter syndrome?


Imposter syndrome means when a person is unable to understand themselves failed This happens and he feels that he is not as capable as others believe. Recently, it has been observed that most of his victims women This is happening. While at present men Walk side by side with. To put it simply, it’s the experience of feeling like a fraud – you feel like at any moment you’re going to be exposed as a fraud, like you’re not where you are. When this happens, many people start to curse their luck.



Symptoms of Imposter Syndrome



  • lack of confidence


  • Having fear in mind before doing any work


  • you always doubt yourself


  • to be lost in thought


  • speak negatively


  • expect to lose


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All these symptoms indicate imposter syndrome. After reading this, you will also think about these symptoms in yourself. Well, this situation comes to everyone’s mind at any time. You don’t have to worry about it. Just depends on your feelings control It will have to be done.



How do you become a victim of imposter syndrome?


In fact, many such cases appear when we study them, for example when a parent; Children How a child is ranked and compared to another child, then a feeling of imposter syndrome arises in that child. When we tell someone that you can’t do the job that the other person is doing, similar thoughts come to their mind.



How to Avoid Imposter Syndrome


It’s time you knew that you can do anything you want and you don’t need people to tell you that. Here are some ways to overcome imposter syndrome.



know yourself better


This will be very helpful when you are trying to learn more about yourself. Evaluate your abilities yourself and try not to judge anyone. This is a very good method of self-realization. Don’t hesitate to do new things. You never know how well and better you can do this job.



open you


If you feel some kind of suffocation within yourself, you can become a victim of this problem. Therefore, when you feel this, talk about it openly to everyone. When you are trying or want to overcome the feeling of being a “lucky” person, talk to your friends, family, and colleagues to clearly explain the problems you are experiencing. They will try to explain something to you in a different way and cheer you up.

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Don’t think about the time that has passed


Many people do this because when they are not able to complete their work on time, they keep thinking about their past and wish they had done that, it would have been better. Instead, they should understand how the coming times can prove to be useful for them. They should think about how they can plan properly and complete their work properly.



change your way of thinking


You must have heard that excess is bad for you. If you think about it yourself, you can save yourself from it. So stop doing that and gain confidence. Imposter syndrome is quite complex as the name suggests. If you are a victim of it, don’t feel insulted. You can fight it in every way. If you are not able to do so, you can consult our doctor for help and get the solution to your problem.



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The post What is imposter syndrome, when do you suffer from it? first appeared on Best Health Tips in Hindi, Health Blog – News | AllerMédias.

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