What is overwork obesity? Are you also gaining weight because of work?

Obesity due to overwork: Do you know that your work and health are related? If you experience too much stress and live under work pressure, it harms your health and you can also become a victim of obesity. We do not say it like that, but recently a disease such as overwork obesity has been revealed, due to which the weight of a 24-year-old Chinese woman increased by 20 kg in one year. But what is this overwork obesity, how can it affect you and how to prevent it?

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What is overwork obesity?
Overwork is one of the causes of obesity, which occurs due to long-term work pressure and unhealthy lifestyle. Nowadays, it has been seen that many people work sitting continuously for 12-15 hours and remain absorbed in their mobile phone, computer or laptop.

For this reason, their physical activity has become negligible, and in addition, they do not follow a healthy diet and consume unhealthy and quickly prepared processed foods. This spoils their lifestyle and increases stress, which is one of the main causes of overwork and obesity.

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How to prevent overwork and obesity
Now, the question is how to prevent obesity due to overwork? So, you need to balance your work life and personal life. Stress-related eating should be avoided as many people eat more when they are stressed. You will need to adopt a balanced diet consisting of whole grains, proteins, and vegetables in your diet.

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If you want to control your weight, along with office work, you should also do physical activity in between and avoid sitting continuously for long periods. To control stress hormones, mindfulness activity or meditation is necessary. Apart from this, you should sleep 7-8 hours a day as it helps in balancing work life and obesity.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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