What is the difference between kidney stones and gallstones? – GoMedia

It is very common to have kidney stones, but it is only after having gallstones that people know that there are also stones in the gallbladder. While gallstones are more painful than kidney stones. A patient suffering from gallstones should not consume foods rich in cholesterol. Gallstones are more dangerous because they can grow to the size of the gallbladder.


If we talk about kidney stones, the reason is your bad eating habits and drinking dirty water. Due to the presence of kidney stones, the person also starts having problems in urinating. Which makes this problem even more serious.



Symptoms of kidney stones



  • Fever : If you have kidney stones then you start having fever again and again and this fever is not cured even by any medicine, in such a situation you must consult a doctor.



  • shudder : If this happens to you Body I start to feel slight chills and it goes away after a while.



  • sweat : It makes you suffer a lot Sweat When you sleep at night, the whole bed is wet because of your sweat.



  • pain during urination :when you Urine If you feel pain when you go, here are its symptoms.



  • back pain : If this happens to you Back Go on stomach If you start to feel pain, you should see a doctor immediately.



  • To vomit : Because of this, you also vomit and you don’t feel like eating anything anymore.



  • nausea : If you have kidney stones, you feel nauseated over and over again.
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gallstone symptoms



  • rapid weight loss : Yours weight It starts to go down very quickly and some people ignore it. When they should immediately see a doctor.



  • increase cholesterol : There are two types of cholesterol in the human body, one is good. cholesterol And secondly, bad cholesterol, when bad cholesterol starts to increase in your body, here are its symptoms.



  • excessive obesity : Very obese people can also get gallstones. Because obesity Causes other diseases in your body.



  • any chronic disease :If you have any Infection If this happens again and again, it can also be a symptom of this disease.



  • get pregnant : WHO women Pregnant women are at higher risk of developing gallstones.



  • flatulence problem : It happens to many people, but people ignore it.



  • hormonal imbalance : When your hormones If there is an imbalance in the body, it also happens because of this.



If we talk about stones, then in both cases, when your urine Calciumoxalate and uric acid When the level of these substances increases, problems such as kidney stones and gallstones can occur. Both of these stones are very painful for that person.




Do not consume these things even by mistake if you have stones.



Let us tell you that if you gallbladder HAS Healthy If you want to keep it, you should not consume baked goods like bread, muffins, cookies, cupcakes, etc. Because it affects the gallbladder. This is because these foods contain too much flour which is very harmful for you.

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If you have kidney stones, you should not consume foods like spinach, tomatoes, brinjal, rice, urad urad, dry fruits, chocolate, tea, alcohol, cold drinks and sweets etc. and you should never stop urinating. Because it increases the risk of kidney infection. If you have both stones, you should not consume foods rich in protein as it can be even more dangerous for you.



Consume these things when you have stones



Consume These Things For Gallstones




  • Papaya,


  • Apple,


  • lady’s finger,


  • sweet potatoes,


  • Onion,



Consume These Things For Kidney Stones



  • Cucumber,



  • melon seeds,


  • Amaranth greens,


  • radish,


  • Currant,


  • Pineapple,


  • Bathua,


  • barley,


  • Lentils with beans,


  • Drink as much water as possible, it will be very beneficial for you.



Now it is possible to treat both stones. Kidney stones can be treated with medication, but gallbladder stones cannot be treated with medication, so they are more dangerous. Let us tell you that in more severe cases, surgery is necessary. In the past, this was an open surgical operation, which is very painful for the victim. But if we talk about the current era, now surgery can be easily performed laparoscopically, after which the patient soon returns to good health.



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