What is the man flu, do you know how dangerous it is compared to the regular flu?

Male flu vs. regular flu: Nowadays, Man Flu is very trendy. Which is also used in common conversations. Many people are confused about this word or disease. They are not aware of it. In fact, Man Flu is used for people who exaggerate even the normal cold and fever. Some people also use it as a joke. In such a situation, let us know how serious is Man Flu and how is it different from normal flu…

What is the similarity between human flu and normal flu?
Man flu is a colloquial term used to refer to a respiratory infection. This includes mild cases of cold, flu or corona. Man flu and regular flu have a lot in common. Both are caused by viruses. Influenza is caused by the influenza virus, while man flu can be caused by different viruses like rhinovirus, adenovirus and corona cold.

Symptoms of male flu and regular flu
sore throat
runny nose, nasal congestion
To sneeze
Fever, body aches, chills and headache are symptoms of the flu.

What is the treatement
rest as much as possible
keep an adequate amount of water
Can take painkillers
You can take medicine for throat, cold and cough.

Difference between male flu and flu

1. Influenza is a more serious and sometimes dangerous respiratory infection, while the common cold, i.e. human flu, is quite mild.
2. Male flu begins gradually, while male flu appears suddenly.
3. Influenza can be detected by a test on a lap or at home, but there is no way to detect human influenza (common cold), there is no test to detect it.
4. Flu symptoms can be controlled with the vaccine. It is treated with antiviral drugs like Tamiflu, while there is no vaccine or antiviral drug for the common cold.

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what is male flu really
There has been a lot of research done regarding the male flu. In which it has been found that the symptoms of the common cold are different in men and women. One research found differences in the symptoms of rhinosinusitis. At the beginning of this study, both had similar symptoms, but by day 5 to 8, less severe symptoms were found in women. They recovered quickly, even though they initially had more symptoms than men.

This research found that the reasons why men exaggerated their symptoms were gradually corrected. However, research has shown that there is a huge difference in the immune systems of the two. Women produce more antibodies, while men can take longer to recover from an infection.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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