What is the role of the Y and X chromosomes in the birth of a child?

When a house hears that a little guest is about to arrive, there is a lot of excitement all over the house. The elders of the house say that by observing the symptoms of a pregnant woman, one can know whether the fetus is a boy or a girl. Let us know in detail.

This is how we know boys and girls

In fact, when a child is in the womb, there is often a question about whether there is a boy or a girl in the womb. But for the record, let’s say that medical science considers all these things to be completely absurd. According to medical science, whether the fetus is a boy or a girl depends entirely on the chromosomes of the man.

The sex of the child present in the womb of a pregnant woman is entirely determined by the chromosomes of the male. Everyone has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Women have XX chromosomes. While male chromosomes are XY. When the X chromosome of a woman and the Y chromosome of a man meet, an XY chromosome is formed. Due to this, a boy is born. This clearly means that the sex of any newborn baby, boy or girl, depends on the man.

The sex is revealed by ultrasound at 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. , also known as an anatomy scan. This is the time in fetal development when the genitals are normally visible and "Boy" Go on "Girl" The word is kept very secret. Cell-free DNA is called prenatal screening that checks as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy if the child has a genetic disease. Tests are done based on sex. Also known as X and Y, which play a role in the development and functioning of the body. People with XX chromosomes are considered girls at birth and people with XY chromosomes are considered boys.

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For your information, gender chromosomes alone do not determine a person’s sex. Other chromosomes, hormone receptors, neural pathways, reproductive organs, and environmental factors also contribute to sex determination, just as an orchestra does with its ensemble of instruments.

Disclaimer: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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