What to do in the first hour after a stroke and how to recognize if it is a stroke or not

Stroke is a dangerous condition that requires prompt help. If someone has a stroke, knowing what to do in the first hour and how to recognize whether it is a stroke or not can save their life. Tell us what the symptoms of a stroke are and what should be done immediately.

Recognizing the Symptoms of a Stroke

  • Face tilt to one side: When the person tries to smile, his or her face tilts to one side.
  • Arm weakness: One feels weakness in the arm and is unable to lift it. But falls.
  • Speech problem: The person has difficulty speaking, their words are not clear or understood.
  • Eye problem: Blurred vision in one or both eyes.
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  • Headache: sudden, severe headaches, different from normal pain.
  • Difficulty walking: sudden difficulty walking or loss of balance.

What to do during the first hour

  • Get help immediately: If symptoms of a stroke occur, call a doctor or ambulance immediately.
  • Stay calm and keep the person calm: Panicking can make the situation worse. Try to keep yourself and the patient calm.
  • Have the person lie down: Have the person lie down with their head slightly elevated and let them relax. This can help maintain good blood circulation.
  • Do not eat or drink anything: Do not let the person eat or drink anything until the doctor arrives, as this could make their condition worse.
  • Note the time: Note the time the symptoms started; this information will be very important to the doctor and will help administer the correct treatment.
  • < li>Speak slowly: Speak to the patient slowly and clearly so that he or she remains calm and understands the situation.

Know the important things
Recognizing the symptoms of a stroke early and taking the right action at the right time can save lives. It is therefore very important to be aware of the symptoms of a stroke and act wisely. If such a situation arises, consult a doctor immediately and follow the measures mentioned above. Proper action taken on time can save lives and help the patient recover faster.

Disclaimer: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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