What will happen if a girl gets as much testosterone as a boy?

In human biology, we usually read in detail about sex and gender. In fact, we read in detail about the nature of testosterone in men. Science itself is a particular example. High testosterone levels in men are usually caused by a "gender" The difference is perceived as.

Learn more about sex and gender

However, our experience shows that gender-related social factors also play an important role, even for biological measures. Gender socialization can affect testosterone because it encourages men, but not women, to engage in behaviors that increase testosterone. This demonstrates that research on human sexual biology must take gender socialization into account and that nurture, as well as nature, is important for hormonal physiology.

If male testosterone is injected into a girl’s body, these changes will occur

Your body will begin to redistribute your weight. The fat around your hips and thighs will decrease to some extent. Your arms and legs will develop more muscle, have more prominent veins, and a slightly rougher appearance as the fat just under the skin thins out a bit.

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People who undergo T therapy are given the hormone testosterone. It helps reduce estrogen production and suppress the menstrual cycle. It can also cause physical changes, such as male-like hair growth and a deepening of the voice. The changes caused by treatment can be temporary or permanent.

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A woman can get pregnant because of testosterone entering her body

It is possible to get pregnant while taking testosterone, but it is not recommended. This is because taking testosterone during pregnancy can affect the development of the baby. If you are taking testosterone and want to get pregnant, talk to the doctor who prescribes testosterone for you.

Disclaimer: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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