When and who should have a liver function test, know why liver test is important

Health Tips: The liver is an important part of our body, whose role is to purify the blood and remove harmful substances from the body. In such a situation, it is very important that the liver functions properly. But quite often, minor problems arise in the liver, which we simply ignore, even though there is a suitable liver function test for this. Let us tell you when and how you can do a liver function test (LFT) and which people should undergo this test.

Who should have a liver function test done?
people with symptoms of liver disease
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)
dark urine or light stools
constant fatigue
nausea or vomiting
loss of appetite
pain in upper right side of stomach

People at risk for liver disease
Alcohol consumption: Regular or large amounts of alcohol consumption can damage the liver.
Medications: Some medications can affect liver function, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or cholesterol-lowering medications.
Viral infections: Viral infections such as hepatitis B or C can damage the liver.
Obesity: People who are overweight are at higher risk of fatty liver disease.
Diabetes: The risk of liver problems increases in people with diabetes.

When should a liver function test be performed?
– LFTs may be included in routine health tests, especially if you have a family history or symptoms of liver disease.
– If you have symptoms of liver problems, your doctor may recommend that you have an LFT.
– If you start a new medication that can affect the liver, your doctor may suggest you do a baseline LFT.
– If there are concerns about liver health during pregnancy, LFT may be necessary for some women.

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Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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