When and why are steroids given during pregnancy? You will not know the reason behind this

Steroids are generally safe for pregnant women and their children, but are only given after the advice of a doctor. When a pregnant woman is over 9 months old, the child has trouble breathing during or after birth or after birth, steroids are used during this period. If a woman has no labor pen, in such a situation, steroids are used for the spread of the cervix so that childbirth can be done comfortably.

Keep in mind that a thing is not given to all pregnant women. Some special cases or may say during emergency doctors recommend giving it. Because its long term is a drawback. Children born prematurely and have breathable problems, then doctors give steroids in such a situation so that the child’s life can be saved.

Risk of steroids

Steroids can cause low blood sugar in children born after 35 weeks. Some research suggests that steroids can affect the child’s influenza. Steroids cannot be recommended after 37 weeks unless there is no good reason.

When to give steroids

If you are 22 to 35 weeks pregnant and there is a risk of premature delivery. If you are 34 to 36 weeks pregnant and there is a risk of premature birth within 7 days.

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Prémature Labeur Senting Senters

If you have been admitted to the hospital for a situation, which can lead to premature delivery. What steroids are used by Betterathasone (Celstone) and Dexamethasone (Décadron).

Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned.

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