Why are people reluctant to talk about menopause?

There are many types of stereotypes about menopause. For example, strange things are said in the house about menstruation. There are some things about menopause that people do not like to talk about openly. During this period, many types of changes take place in the body. That is why the problem of mood swings also arises. That is why mental health begins to deteriorate. During this period, we need to pay more attention to mental health. Many changes in mental health can be early symptoms of premenopause and menopause.

Women Don’t Say All These Things About Menopause

A woman can go through menopause at any time after the age of 40. Now, you might be wondering what is menopause? Actually, menopause is a process in which a woman stops having her periods. A woman goes through this phase between the ages of 45 and 55. Stopping periods also means that the eggs in your ovaries have completely disappeared. Due to which periods stop. This is called menopause. Just like there are many myths about periods, there are also many myths about menopause which are very important to discuss. Today, we will talk about them through our article.

Will discuss myths or facts about menopause
Menopause is a process that usually begins with perimenopause. Perimenopause lasts for a few years and is accompanied by irregular periods and various hormonal changes. When a woman does not have a period for 12 consecutive months, she should understand that she is in menopause. According to the Journal of Mid-Life Health, the transition to menopause begins between the ages of 45 and 55. The average duration is seven years, but it can extend up to fourteen years.

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Does body heat increase after menopause?
Menopause can increase your body heat, but with it, you can face many problems like night sweats, mood swings, lack of sleep. To avoid such changes, avoid spicy foods, alcohol, and hot drinks.

Does Menopause Mean You’re Old?
During menopause, you need to rest as much as possible. This is a biological process. It is not a disease or disorder. Some women do not reach menopause until they are 30 years old. This does not mean that the woman has become old.

Are you not at risk of getting pregnant during perimenopause?
Even though fertility declines during perimenopause, you can still get pregnant. To prevent pregnancy, it is important to continue using contraception until menopause.

Is weight gain due to menopause?
It is not necessary that weight gain occurs due to menopause. However, hormonal changes during menopause can change body composition and lead to weight gain in the abdomen. In such a situation, it is important that you pay special attention to your diet and lifestyle.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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