Why should dried fruits be eaten only after soaking? Know what effect it has on health

No matter what the season, health experts often recommend eating dried fruits. Dried fruits are loaded with many nutrients. Hence, by eating them, one gets protein and many other nutrients in abundance. But people often remain confused about how to consume dried fruits. People ask health experts whether eating dried fruits soaked or without soaking is beneficial? Today, we will tell you why it is often advised to eat dried fruits only after soaking them.

Benefits of Eating Dried Fruits After Soaking Them

It is advisable to eat dried fruits after soaking them because the phytic acid they contain begins to decrease. Due to which it is easy to digest.

Preservatives are widely used in dried fruits like raisins. After soaking it, its dangerous preservatives are removed.

Dried fruits contain many nutritional elements including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. But do you know that there are some special benefits of eating dried fruits after soaking them? Soaking dried fruits is generally popular among the population, due to their easily digestible nature. Natural oils are present in dried fruits.

Benefits of Soaked Dried Fruits

1. Are easy to digest

Eating soaked dried fruits provides the nutritional elements they contain. Which are easily digested. It is good for intestinal health.

2. Liquid and nutritional elements are present in abundance. Soaked dried fruits contain a considerable amount of liquid and nutritional elements. By eating this, the body gets energy for the whole day. In addition, the body also gets nutrients.

3. Improves Digestive System: Eating soaked dry fruits helps in the proper functioning of the digestive system. Apart from keeping the stomach fresh, it also eliminates the problem of constipation.

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4. The properties of dried fruits increase after soaking. The nutritional elements present in dried fruits become more beneficial after soaking. The amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants increases with soaking, thus giving you more nutritional benefits.

Soak these dried fruits and eat them on an empty stomach

1. Almonds
Experts recommend eating soaked almonds. Vitamins E and B-6 are found in almonds. These nutrients help in absorbing proteins into brain cells. Along with this, it also contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which help in brain development.

2. Black Raisins: Black raisins are rich in fiber. Consuming it after soaking it every morning on an empty stomach helps maintain a good bowel movement. It is rich in antioxidants like polyphenols and phytonutrients. Its daily consumption protects against free radicals and maintains good eye health.

3. Figs: Eating just two soaked figs every day will improve your bowel health. Both soluble and insoluble fiber are found in abundance in figs, which can relieve your constipation problem.

4. Pistachios
Pistachios contain abundant amounts of fiber. Along with this, consuming dry fruits like pistachios and walnuts every morning on an empty stomach can help reduce weight to a great extent. Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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