You can make your lungs so healthy at home, know the exercises

Who doesn’t want to be healthy? However, they rarely think properly about protecting and maintaining the health of their lungs. It’s time to change that. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic lower respiratory diseases are. Which includes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema. Ranks sixth leading cause of death in the United States.

Excluding lung cancer, these pathologies caused 142,342 deaths in 2021. Lung cancer, meanwhile, is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States, causing 139,601 deaths in 2019. The truth is that your lungs , like your heart, joints, and other body organs, age over time and can become less flexible and lose strength, which can make it more difficult to breathe. You can maintain the health of your lungs and keep them functioning well into old age.

Researchers say lifestyle, environmental and dietary issues can also cause many types of lung diseases. The researcher found that due to the Corona epidemic, this organ of the body was most affected. It is therefore important to try to keep it healthy. You should include as many vegetables and fruits as possible in your diet so that it benefits your health. To keep your lungs healthy, you will need a proper diet.

Experts from the American Lung Association said in a report that the smoking habit may be the most harmful to the lungs. Due to smoking, the risk of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is considered to be the highest. smoke can damage the respiratory tract. Narrows the airways, which can make breathing difficult. Over time, cigarette smoke begins to damage lung tissue, which can also lead to cancer. The risk of many such problems can be reduced.

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For lung problems, it is considered very important to protect yourself against indoor and outdoor pollution. Doctors consider indoor pollution to be extremely harmful to the lungs. Constant exposure to indoor air pollution can damage the lungs. , which everyone should pay attention to. Make the necessary arrangements for ventilation of the rooms.

It is also considered important to prevent infections to keep the lungs healthy. Repeated injections or other breathing activities can sometimes be very serious. To avoid such problems, wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Be careful with colds and flu. Impotence has also been taken care of, certain substances can affect the health of the lungs due to the presence of substances in the mouth.

Experts say people of all ages should include exercise in their issues. To keep the lungs healthy, make it a habit to do regular breathing exercises, this strengthens the lungs and also avoids many health risks. Staying physically active can help keep your lungs and other body healthy. healthy organs.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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