Your health can also be recognized by the color of your nails; many diseases can be identified.

Nail discoloration: Every part of our body is connected to each other and sometimes many parts of the body give clues about the diseases occurring in the body. Likewise, the texture, color and shape of the nails indicate whether we are sick or not. , if the nails turn yellow, black or white, this indicates many diseases. In such a situation, let us tell you what changing nail color means and how to avoid it.

redness of nails

yellowing of nails

Often people have the impression that the use of turmeric causes the nails to turn yellow, but the appearance of yellow spots on the nails is due to a deficiency of vitamin B, protein and zinc in the body. Sometimes yellowing of the nails also indicates jaundice.

blue or black nails

Many times blue and black spots appear on the nails, this indicates that the blood circulation in the body is not good and due to less blood circulation the nails turn blue and sometimes black. In severe conditions, it also indicates heart diseases.

nail whitening

If white stripes start appearing on the nails, then it is linked to kidney and liver diseases in the body. According to experts, seeing a white line on the nails can indicate a disease like hepatitis.

frequent nail breakage

A lot of times people’s nails break a lot and they think maybe the nails are weak and that’s why they break. But frequent breakage of nails also indicates many diseases, it indicates blood deficiency and sometimes diseases like thyroid.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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