Heart Attack Symptoms: How is a normal heart attack different from a silent heart attack? What are the 3 main early signs of a heart attack that should never be ignored? Read ahead.
Early signs of a heart attack: Heart attack cases are increasing in India. While many people believe it is due to the COVID-19 vaccination, there is no research or facts to prove it. On Monday, several reports of young people dying of heart attacks were shared online. In most of these cases, a person simply fell to the floor and died on the spot.
a Heart attack Comes with its own early signs and symptoms. However, there is also something called a ‘silent heart attack’ which does not follow the dramatic symptoms of a normal heart attack. There is a high possibility that a person may dismiss the signs of a silent heart attack as regular fatigue or gastritis. Considering the strange health conditions we are living with today, it is important for us to be aware of the problem we are facing. Never ignore even the slightest sign of a heart attack.
Check out these 3 key early signs of a heart attack:
- Fatigue, nausea and cold sweats:
If you wake up feeling nauseous, heavy heart, vomiting and sweating, it’s time to see a doctor right away. You should not ignore fatigue. Even after getting your full sleep and not doing much, you feel tired, something is definitely wrong with your heart. - Chest pain and fullness or pressure in the heart:
Any type of heart attack is accompanied by chest pain. It can be like how it feels after lifting a heavy object from your left hand or it can be really powerful to bear. In any case, any kind of chest pain or a feeling as if someone is putting a lot of pressure on your heart cannot be ruled out. Just seek medical help, get your tests done and take the medicines. - Dizziness and shortness of breath:
If you’re not struggling with bronchitis or another type of lung infection, dealing with shortness of breath can lead to a heart attack. It is important to check if what you are experiencing is unusual. Like, you’ve just climbed a few stairs and you already feel like you’ve run a marathon – that could be a sign of an upset heart. If this is coupled with vague dizziness where things start to blur around you, it’s time to rush to the doctor.
Whatever you do, wherever you are in life and whatever problems you are facing… nothing matters if your health is compromised. All your successes and victories have meaning only when you are there to experience them. Never let the burden of your failures weigh down your heart. Get regular checkups, and never think ‘I can’t be one.’ Stay healthy!