4 Effective Ways To Manage Low Blood Glucose Levels

Effective Ways to Control Low Blood Glucose Level: Diabetes contributes greatly to India’s health burden. According to a recent study conducted by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)India is the second largest house in the world Adult diabetic population And every sixth person with diabetes in the world is an Indian. The number of diabetic patients in the country has increased by 150% in the last three decades.Also Read – Body Care Tips: Simple and Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Elbows and Knees- Watch Video

While the issue of diabetes is widely discussed The problem of hypoglycemia appears to be a neglected entity. It is a condition in which Blood sugar levels Falling below the standard range. Low blood glucose Also known as insulin reaction or insulin shock. Also Read – Healthy Breakfast Options: Add These and More Nutritious and Delicious Food Items to Your Breakfast – Watch Video

While each person’s response to low blood glucose is different, common indicators of low blood glucose include: Feeling nervous or anxious, sweating, feeling cold and restless, irritable or impatient, fast heartbeat, light-headed or dizzy, among others. In severe cases, Patients may experience disorientation, numbness, lethargy and blurred vision or difficulty speaking. Also Read – Health Benefits of Rosemary: Improving eye health and liver diseases, rosemary is a miracle herb. Watch the video

what’s that Hypoglycemia

Dr. Suhas Arande, Consultant Diabetologist, Pune, adds, “Hypoglycaemia is a condition in which your blood sugar (glucose) level is below the normal range. Each person has different symptoms when glucose levels drop. Therefore, it is important that you monitor your glucose regularly, to know if you are experiencing low blood sugar. Today Prick Free is a painless continuous glucose monitoring device that presents real-time information on glucose trends, visualizing a 24-hour roadmap of an individual’s glycemic variation.

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Some people with diabetes don’t show symptoms, but many others don’t even notice them, which is when managing low blood sugar levels becomes challenging. It can lead to severe episodes and medical emergencies.

Here are some tips to effectively manage hypoglycemia:

  • 15-15 Rule: This regimen involves consuming 15 grams of carbohydrate to raise blood glucose levels and checking it 15 minutes later. One can consume fruits, sugary foods or drinks like regular soda, honey lemon water to bring the glucose level in normal range. If your blood sugar level is not improving, seek medical help immediately
  • Don’t skip meals: The most common situation in which hypoglycemia develops is when a meal is missed. Therefore, it is important to have meals at the right time which will prevent episodes of hypoglycemia. Additionally, according to a study conducted in India, women were at increased risk of hypoglycemia due to busy schedules due to different meal times, therefore, it is important to educate patients as well as family members about timely meals in elderly diabetic women. , which will help prevent hypoglycemia
  • Continuous monitoring of glucose: Disciplined diabetes management includes regular glucose monitoring, which has become easier with technology. There are sensor-based CGM devices that show the directional trend of glucose levels, thus alarming the patient in case of low blood glucose levels. Monitoring blood glucose levels also helps to reshape diet, exercise regimens and lifestyle around diabetes for effective management.
  • Don’t forget your diabetologist: Regular counseling for hypoglycemia is non-negotiable. Keep your doctor updated even if your blood sugar levels are returning to normal. People with diabetes may experience changes that may force a diabetologist to reconsider standard blood sugar levels. Treatment varies from patient to patient and may also vary with the severity of the condition.
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Diabetes is a chronic disease and requires lifelong care and today with the advancement of technology, monitoring glucose levels has become easy and accessible. Everyone needs to keep the doctor in the loop. With a few simple steps, one can truly live fully with diabetes.

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