4 Exercises That Are A Must For Lung Cancer Patients To Breathe Easy

4 exercises that can help lung cancer patients

Physical exercises can be overwhelming for lung cancer patients, but they can also help them cope and slow the progression of the disease. Read on to find out how you can benefit them!

Lung cancer, like other types of cancer, develops at the cellular level. It originates in the lining of the airways and in the tissues. the abnormal cells continue to multiply and eventually grow out of control. that’s when it starts to spread to the lungs. It spreads to the lungs first before affecting or metastasizing to other parts of the body. There are two types of lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Heavy tobacco smokers are usually diagnosed with NSCLC or squamous cell carcinoma. But smokers aren’t the only people who could get lung cancer. Non-smokers are usually detected with SCLC, also known as adenocarcinoma. Everyone is at the same risk of getting this type of cancer.

The idea of ​​exercising can be overwhelming if a person has lung cancer. But a well-designed exercise program can help patients feel better physically and mentally. It can help them cope with cancer treatments, decrease cancer-related fatigue, and reduce the severity of other treatment-related side effects. It can also help stop the progression of the disease.


On World Lung Cancer Day, let’s take a look at how lung cancer patients can survive this deadly disease.

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Diaphragmatic Breathing

People with lung cancer experience shortness of breath. This is one of the main problems or symptoms that cancer patients face. This can hinder your activity level. But experts suggest that even patients suffering from lung problems should also try to stay active, as it can help them fight the disease. This will also help them improve stamina and make it easier for them to go about their daily lives.

A key breathing exercise is called diaphragmatic breathing through pursed lips. This exercise will strengthen the diaphragm, a muscle between the lungs and the abdomen. It will allow more air to flow in and out without tiring your chest muscles. If a person is short of breath, this exercise can help regulate their breathing.

walk or run

Lung cancer patients have another way of coping with their condition, that is, through daily aerobic exercise. This will improve your heart strength and oxygen capacity. Any type of aerobic exercise will be beneficial for them. But because lung cancer patients already have low energy levels, experts recommend starting your aerobic routine slowly. Walking or jogging slowly is very good for the lungs. You can also try dancing, as it can be less intense and more fun. Any exercise that can increase the heart rate is good for patients.


Stretching increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the muscles, improves muscle elasticity, and helps the body repair itself. Daily upper body stretching exercises expand the chest cavity and increase lung capacity. This allows free movement of the lungs and diaphragm, which encourages deeper breathing and helps with shortness of breath. This is particularly important after radiation therapy, which can cause muscle strain.

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building your strength

strength training can greatly benefit lung cancer patients. Therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy can weaken muscles, and stretch training can help them recover. Lung cancer patients find it difficult to stay active for a long time. Due to constant fatigue, they have to lie down or rest a lot. This also leads to loss of muscle mass and eventually loss of strength. By getting stronger through strength training, you may be able to get back to work and take care of daily responsibilities sooner. Strength training can also help improve balance and posture, as well as increase bone strength.

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