4 Reasons You Should Eat Fermented Foods

Fermented foods can provide important benefits for your body, especially for digestive health and your immune system.

Fermented foods have gone through the natural process of being fermented by beneficial bacteria, fungi, or yeast. In this process, the sugar molecules in food are converted into alcohols or acids. Fermented foods are a rich, nutritious source of probiotics, which are the good bacteria your body needs. When you learn how to incorporate fermented foods into your diet, you can get all the benefits of probiotics without even having to supplement them, all while enjoying delicious foods and beverages.

What are fermented foods?

Fermentation gives foods a bitter taste, but it also extends their shelf life. The process is often accomplished by using a starter culture of bacteria or yeast that is added to the food. Other times, it is made by placing the food in a brine of salt water.

The most common fermented foods include kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, and cultured yogurt. Kombucha is an increasingly popular fermented tea beverage that you can find in most supermarkets. Kefir, a fermented beverage made from kefir grains and goat’s milk, has been shown to improve symptoms of lactose intolerance.[1]

4 important reasons to eat fermented foods

Fortunately, the effects of eating fermented foods have been well studied. Many ancient diets in cultures around the world included fermented foods and beverages, from yogurt in the Mediterranean to fermented soy products in East Asia. Here’s what fermented foods can do for your health, according to research:

  1. Improve your digestive health

One of the main functions that beneficial bacteria perform is the assimilation of nutrients from the diet. Fermented foods are a source of beneficial bacteria as well as prebiotics. Prebiotics are a type of fiber that provides food for colonies of good bacteria. So when you eat fermented foods, you’re doing more to protect beneficial bacteria populations. This goes a long way in preventing digestive ailments and diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome.[2]

  1. Get more nutritional benefits

Foods acquire nutritional value through the fermentation process. The good bacteria produce vitamins and minerals that add to the nutrition already in food. Fermentation removes antinutrients like lectin, which block nutrient assimilation. The microorganisms responsible for the fermentation process also create enzymes that also help the body absorb the nutrients found in food.[3]

  1. Boost your immune system

Beneficial microorganisms are involved not only in the digestion and assimilation of nutrients, but also in immune function. Much of your immune system activity takes place in your gut, where microbes signal your immune cells when a pathogen is present. Because friendly bacteria help your immune system react and respond to threats sooner, eating fermented foods regularly can potentially reduce the incidence of common colds and flus.[4]

  1. Protect against atherosclerosis and heart disease

Probiotics in fermented foods support your heart health by reducing cholesterol absorption in the intestine. This reduces the risk of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, or the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. The cholesterol-lowering benefits of fermented foods may also help reduce the risk of heart and metabolic disease.[5]

Safety tips for fermented foods

While some fermented foods are available in stores, you can benefit from fermented foods by making them yourself at home. When making a batch of kimchi or sauerkraut or other fermented vegetables, store it in airtight containers. Whether you’re making kombucha or kimchi, work in a well-sanitized space to avoid contamination with harmful bacteria. Fermented vegetables keep refrigerated for up to nine months.

Eat fermented foods for your health

Taking probiotic supplements is one way to support your gut health. However, incorporating fermented foods and beverages into your diet naturally provides you with the probiotics your microbiome needs. Unlike taking probiotic supplements, eating more fermented foods helps you save money, add new flavors to your meals, and get prebiotic fibers that beneficial bacteria can feed on.


  1. “Kefir Improves Lactose Digestion and Tolerance in Adults With Lactose Maldigestion” by Steven R. Hertzler, PhD, RD and Shannon M. Clancy, MS, RD, May 1, 2003, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
    DOI: 10.1053/jada.2003.50111
  2. health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-benefits-of-probiotics
  3. “Health Benefits of Fermented Foods” by Nevin Şanlier, Büşra Başar Gökcen, and Aybüke Ceyhun Sezgin, October 20, 2017, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.
    DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2017.1383355
  4. “Effects of Probiotics on the Incidence and Duration of Cold and Influenza Symptoms in Children” by Gregory J. Leyer, PhD; Shuguang Li, M.S.; Mohamed E. Mubasher, PhD; Cheryl Reifer, PhD and Arthur C. Ouwehand, PhD, August 1, 2009, Pediatrics.
    DOI: 10.1542/ped.2008-2666
  5. “Probiotics and their Effects on Metabolic Diseases: An Update” by Juhi Aggarwal, Gaurav Swami, and Mayur Kumar, January 2013, Journal of clinical and diagnostic research.
    DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2012/5004.2701

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