411MANIA | Tony Nese Reveals His Biggest Advice For Fitness Training, Eating Right On The Road, Discovering His Passion For Fitness

In a recent episode of AEW no restrictions, “Premier Athlete” Tony Nese talked about his interest in fitness training, learning about bodybuilding and what he does to maintain his physique. Read some highlights below:

On how he became interested in fitness training: “My older brother was always very into fitness. He subscribed to Muscle and Fitness. He always went to the gym with his friends, he worked out and everything. I looked at my two brothers. On top of that, joining a wrestling school and realizing… oh man, I’m a little trickle. I’m not going to “grow” much anymore, so I need to look good. That was always my thing. I’m skinny, I always had definition, but I was a skinny kid who could see the muscles in him because he was skinny. So for me it was about learning how to get bigger.”

On learning about fitness, diet and becoming a certified trainer: “I started reading a lot of bodybuilding magazines. i read arnold [Schwarzenegger]’s book, The Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding. I have read it at least four or five times. It just became my second passion, another part of my life. I would train every day. I ate, ate, ate every day. So many calories. I started learning more and more about what my body was supposed to do, which was just eat, eat, eat. Don’t worry about what you’re eating, just size up. It just snowballed into more and more passion. I learned more about it to the point where I said I should go study and become a trainer. I took classes, got my certification, and started becoming a trainer. I worked as a trainer for most of my freelance career until I was signed and I left that job for a while.

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Her biggest piece of advice for people starting an exercise routine: “The hardest thing is that everyone thinks they have to go with a specific ‘this is how to do it, this is the plan.’ That’s the easy part. Just going and lifting weights and everything? That’s the easiest part. It’s really a matter of being consistent and moving on. I tell my clients all the time. My success is not due to my knowledge. My success is because I never stopped. Go forward. There’s just no reason for me to ever stop. Obviously, there are injuries here and there. Things are going to happen. You’re going to have bad weeks, you’re going to take weeks off. You’re supposed to do it anyway. But apart from that? When it came to eating consistently, always getting protein, always taking my supplements. I always stay on top of digestive enzymes. I don’t buy a supplement and two weeks later say “this didn’t work”. I’m going to stick with this for eight weeks, let’s see how I feel about this. Patience is one of the most important things. That is the biggest advice. Be patient and be consistent.”

On his current daily routine: “My day is very routine because I have children. I am forced to get up early, I will make my breakfast. I’ll make eggs for myself and the kids and stuff. Get ready for school, take the kids to school, go straight to the gym with my wife. Do people think I’m in the gym all day? People probably think I’m in the gym all day, but I’m getting a good hour and a half including cardio, maybe a leg day will last me two hours. That is practically all. The rest of the day is all about recovery, eating, keeping calories. Throughout the day, I have also been doing online training. Much of my day is spent writing training plans and such. My routine is simple.”

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On eating right and exercising on the road: “Just like anyone else’s routine, it gets a bit bland when it comes to being on the road. You just have to plan ahead. Fortunately, I have done this many times now that I understand what each trip will be like. I will literally look at my plan. “Okay, I’ll fly here, I have a layover of two hours. I’ll go to the waiting room and prepare my meals here, and then I know it’s a two-hour flight to the next place. When I get there I’ll stop somewhere and buy some food or some UberEats. I always plan ahead when I travel, and by the time I’m home I already know my routine.”

If you use any of the quotes above, please credit AEW Unrestricted with an h/ta 411mania for transcription

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