5 Reasons Why You Should NOT Consume Cornflakes Daily

Side Effects of Breakfast Cereals: These days, ready-to-eat breakfast cereals are a common choice. They come in a variety of delicious flavors and are quick, easy, and delicious. Because cornflakes are healthy, rich in flavor and help people lose weight, many people consume them to fuel themselves in the morning. But what they don’t know is that grains are one of the most processed foods loaded with added sugar. When you eat a lot of sugar, especially from highly processed, low-fiber grains, your blood sugar levels rise quickly. To control this spike and allow body cells to take up glucose for energy, your body releases the hormone insulin from your pancreas.

Major Side Effects of Breakfast Cereals

  1. High fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is present in cereals, has a glycemic index that makes it unsuitable for daily consumption.
  2. Cereal is a high-carbohydrate, low-protein snack alternative that can make you hungry and cause you to eat more during the day.
  3. Although grains are low in fat, their high sugar content encourages insulin spikes and reduces glucose tolerance.
  4. Cereals have been linked to an increase in cases of type-2 diabetes.
  5. Eating grains regularly for weight loss may help you consume fewer calories, but doing so negatively affects your body’s ability to regulate sugar.

Most cereals are manufactured using refined grains, which are deficient in fiber and minerals compared to whole grain cereals. The presence of fiber in your diet reduces the rate of absorption of sugars into your system and subsequently reduces the need for insulin spikes.

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Make sure the breakfast cereals you eat are high in fiber and low in sugar. Pay attention to the serving size, and check the ingredients list before eating. By including your own protein, you can further enhance your grains.


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