Fat can accumulate in almost any part of the body, including the liver. Having small amounts of fat in the body’s second largest organ is normal, but too much can cause serious health complications. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or steatosis, is a common condition that “occurs in people who don’t drink much. The condition affects one in three adults and one in 10 children in the United States, the Cleveland Clinic states. In some cases, it can cause liver damage, but the good news is that you can reverse it with healthy lifestyle changes and habits. Eat this, not that! Health spoke with John AngstadtMD Director of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Staten Island University Hospital who shares what you should know about steatosis and signs that you have it. Read on and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure signs you’ve already had COVID.
dr Angstadt explains, “The health problem related to the liver and fat is the fat that is deposited in the liver. Medically, we call this condition steatosis. You have steatosis when the amount of fat in your liver exceeds 5% of your liver weight. You deposit fat in the liver when you consume excess calories. Any increase in calorie intake can cause steatosis. Sugary drinks and alcohol are cited as common culprits as they add calories to your diet but actually have no clear nutritional value. We tend not to count liquid calories and it’s easy to consume a lot of calories in a short period of time.”
dr Angstadt tells us: “Today, most steatosis is related to your weight. Patients at risk are those with a body mass index greater than 30. Body mass index or BMI correlates your weight with your height and is a general indicator of whether you have excess weight on your body. As your BMI increases, so does your risk of depositing fat in your liver. We also see steatosis in patients with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and patients taking certain types of medications.”
“Steatosis poses a significant risk if the disease progresses,” says Dr. Angstadt States. “In some patients, fat in the liver causes an inflammatory reaction called steatohepatitis. This inflammation can lead to liver scarring, the hallmark of cirrhosis. Once scar tissue forms, it cannot be removed or treated, so the best treatment is to prevent disease progression.”
According to Dr. Angstadt, “Weight loss is the best way to reduce or eliminate fat in the liver. You can lose weight with diet and exercise, but if you have a lot of weight to lose (BMI over 35), surgical options provide a better result. If you have diabetes, it is essential that you manage your disease well. If you’ve been told you have fatty liver, it’s best to avoid alcohol of any kind. dr Angstadt emphasizes finding a good program and a support network is helpful. “Staten Island University Hospital has a comprehensive medical and surgical weight loss program. With the latest medical advances, we help our patients achieve medically safe weight loss and reduce their risk of developing life-shortening conditions. Live Longer and better”.
dr Angstadt says: “Most patients with steatosis have no symptoms, which makes the disease more dangerous. Some patients notice the following symptoms:
- Pain or fullness in the right upper quadrant over the liver
- loss of appetite
- Nausea
- Yellowing of the eyes or skin (later stages)
- Bloating of the belly (later stages)”
heather newgen
Heather Newgen has two decades of experience reporting and writing on health, fitness, entertainment and travel. Heather currently works as a freelancer for various publications. Read more about Heather