5 things we can all learn from Adele’s exercise routine

For Adele, exercise was never just about coming up with a number on a scale. “It was because of my anxiety,” he said in an interview with british fashion. “Exercising would make me feel better.” In a month of the year when the world becomes obsessed with burning calories, closing rings and counting steps, Adele’s weight loss journey is an important reminder that there is much more to exercise than just being fit.

When Adele appeared on SNL in October 2020 and said, “I know I look very, very different from the last time you saw me. But really, due to all the Covid restrictions…I had to travel light and I could only bring half of me, and this is the half I chose,” fans were quick to comment on the singer’s weight loss. Speculation has run wild about how she did it, and while no one else has a say in Adele’s body, there are some important lessons we can all learn from her workouts.

1. She found the exercise that made her happy

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