5 Tips To Eat Your Way to a Flatter Stomach After 50, Dietitians Say

It’s no secret that achieving a flat stomach it gets harder with age—and you can blame biology.

“As you age, you slowly lose both muscle mass and bone mass,” Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, LDNa registered dietitian nutritionist and a board-certified specialist in sports dietetics, says Eat this, not that! “You can lose both at a faster rate, especially if you’re not using them up by exercising regularly or if you’re not eating a nutritious diet that helps build muscle and bone health.”

Ehsani explains that when it comes to a flat stomach, muscle mass is metabolically active. This means having more muscle mass than fat mass in your body, as you can burn more calories at rest than when you are active.

“So you may find it more difficult to have a flat stomach as you get older, as your the metabolism also slows down as you get older,” says Ehsani.

However, not having a flat stomach can occur for reasons other than a slow metabolism.

“A protruding belly can appear for many reasons that are not necessarily associated with weight or fat,” he adds. Bonnie Taub-Dix, MA, RDN, CDNand the award-winning author of Read it before you eat it: from label to table. “Some bellies can stick out for hormonal reasons, or maybe a woman has had a C-section in the past. swollen bellies It could also arise from the foods we eat or our eating habits, such as drinking through a straw, chewing gum, or eating too many gas-producing foods or sugar alcohols.”

So if you’re trying to get a flatter stomach, what you eat is an incredibly important factor. Read on to find out which ones 5 Dietitian-Recommended Tips That Can Help You Eat For A Flatter Stomach After 50. Also, for more helpful guidance on what eating practices to avoid when you want a flat stomach, check out The 6 worst eating habits when you want a flatter stomach.

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protein sources

If you’re not getting enough protein— or enough of the right protein — may be hindering your efforts to achieve a flat stomach.

“Muscle protection is very important as we age and can be maintained when adequate dietary sources of protein are consumed,” says Ehsani. “Consumer lean sources of protein It will help you preserve our metabolically active muscle mass, thus helping us maintain a flatter belly.”

He also points out that high-quality protein options include seafood such as salmon, tuna, or chicken breast, eggs, and plant-based sources of protein are beans, lentils, nuts and seeds.

“Make sure you spread them out throughout the day and have a high-quality source at every meal and snack,” adds Ehsani.

fiber cereal with strawberriesfiber cereal with strawberries

Fiber It is extremely important if you want a flat stomach, since it can help you stay regular and prevent swelling. Women and men over the age of 50 should aim to get 21 grams and 30 grams of fiber per day, respectively, according to the USDA Dietary Guidelines.

So if you start your morning with a bowl of cereal, unfortunately, Frosted Flakes won’t cut it if a flat stomach is your ultimate goal. Instead, opt for high-fiber cereals.

“Most of us don’t get enough fiber, at any age. High-fiber cereals can easily make a significant deposit in your fiber bank while adding a variety of other vitamins and minerals,” says Taub-Dix. “You can mix it with your favorite non-dairy milk, powder it in flour and bake with it, or sprinkle it on top of yogurt. Be sure to mix your cereal with water to help make it a more ‘heartwarming’ experience.”

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If you have never been a fan of seafood but want a flat stomach, it might be a good idea to start looking for creative ways to integrate it into your diet that also appeal to your taste preferences.

“Fish is a source of high-quality protein and a complete source of protein, which means it contains all the essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. [This] can help maintain a flatter stomach, as eating fish keeps us full longer and gives us a feeling of fullness,” says Ehsani.

Ehsani suggests choosing wild Alaskan seafood, like salmon. Salmon is high-quality, lean protein that also contains key nutrients like vitamin D and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin D is found only in a few foods, but it supports bone health. When it comes to omega-3 fatty acids, research has found that they may help reduce the risk of developing certain medical conditions including obesity as well as support heart Y brain health.

eating almondseating almonds

Put down the bag of chips! Instead, find a handful of almonds.

“Almonds provide more fiber than any other nut to help move things around in your system while also being the highest in calciuma nutrient we all need, especially after age 50,” says Taub-Dix.

In addition to helping maintain a flat tummy, research has shown that eating almonds can also benefit your overall gut health.

Salad with fruits, vegetables and chickpeasSalad with fruits, vegetables and chickpeas

fruits and vegetables they’re the most nutrient-dense foods, packed with the essential vitamins and minerals you need every day to maintain a healthy body,” says Ehsani. “And they also contain dietary fiber, which helps support a healthy gut and can help flush out waste. of the body and prevent constipation. Instead of prepping your meal with steak or pasta, reformulate your plate so that fruits and vegetables are the main course.”

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Another benefit of fruits and vegetables? They’re usually low in calories, so you can eat your fill without as many calorie worries. In turn, this can help maintain a flat stomach.

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