5 Vagus Nerve Exercises That Will Rewire Your Brain

You may not know it, but you’ve got a relax button in your back pocket. It is known as the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve, which connects the brain to the body, has the main function of activating the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). The sympathetic nervous system, associated with the “fight and flight” response, and the parasympathetic nervous system, associated with “rest and digest,” are the two branches of the nervous system.

The vagus nerve, which originates in the brainstem and travels through the neck and down to the abdomen, is of course not physically located in the back pocket. Its main job is to control the heart and respiratory rate, as well as digestion. When active, it will reduce your body’s physiological reaction to stress, helping you feel calmer. The good news, then? You can perform particular exercises to stimulate your vagus nerve.

The game of trying to escape from stress is hopeless. Since stress is like this every day, how you deal with it has the biggest impact on your well-being. Therefore, vagus nerve stimulation may be a technique you use whenever you need to relax.

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Chant Om and 4 Others Vagus Nerve Exercises That Will Rewire Your Brain

There are many ways to stimulate this nerve, and they can be fun, relaxing, or integrated into your daily routine. You can select the activities you like and feel good instead of having to participate in all of them. You can choose the ones that you now require or the ones that resonate with you. the vagus nerve training shown below should be done for a total of five minutes a day:

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1) Exposure to cold

Exposure to acute cold has been shown to stimulate the vagus nerve, which in turn stimulates cholinergic neurons via vagus nerve pathways. Also, studies have shown that routine exposure to cold can reduce your sympathetic “fight or flight” response and increase parasympathetic activity via the vagus nerve. Take cool showers and dress minimally when you go out in the cold. However, the idea is not to get sick, but to experience the cold to stimulate the nerve.

See how you feel after taking your next shower with at least 30 seconds of cold water. Then progress to higher time intervals. Alternatively, you can relax by simply immersing your face in ice water.

2) Breathe deeply and slowly

A deep breath a day can help you smile better and feel lighter. (Image via Pexels/ Oleksander Pidvalnyi)

Stimulating the vagus nerve has been shown to reduce anxiety and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system.

the average person breathe 10 to 14 times per minute. One of the best ways to reduce stress is to take six breaths in a minute. Diaphragmatic breathing is something you can really try. Your stomach should get bigger as you do this. Exhale slowly and for a long time. This is essential to activate the vagus nerve and achieve relaxation.

3) Exercise

Exercise has been linked to optimal brain health.  (Image via Pexels/Nathan Cowley)
Exercise has been linked to optimal brain health. (Image via Pexels/Nathan Cowley)

Exercise increases growth hormones in the brain, maintains brain mitochondria and slows cognitive decline. But it has also been shown to stimulate the vagus nerve, which may explain its advantageous effects on the brain and mental health.

For optimal brain health, professionals in the field frequently cite exercise as the best advice. The best exercises are sprinting, weightlifting, and walking, but you should choose a sport or exercise regimen that you enjoy and continue to do regularly.

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4) Chant Om

You don't necessarily have to become a monk to chant for benefits.  (Image via Pexels/Cotton Brother)
You don’t necessarily have to become a monk to chant and reap benefits. (Image via Pexels/Cotton Brother)

Chant a long “om,” the same Om used during yoga practice, while sitting in a quiet area. Around your ears, there should be a vibration originating from the vagus nerve. Chanting “om” has been shown to deactivate specific limbic brain regions involved in stress and emotional responses, including the amygdala.

5) Participate in things you love

Exposure to beautiful things, such as sunsets, time in nature, lovely pictures, or Playing with your pets can have a positive impact on your mood.

randomized controlled research published highlights that everything that provokes positive emotions, and this is different for each one, increases vagal tone and has been shown to be a factor in maintaining good physical health.

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An excellent method to improve your health is to use relaxation techniques that activate your vagus nerve. Your body and your mind do not have to control you. You have the authority to direct them. When you experience episodes of stress or pain, the focus is on survival (which is great in the short term). Once this stressor is gone, our vagus nerve acts like a brake, returning us to a state of rest, relaxation, and security.

By performing certain daily techniques to train and tone the vagus nerve, you allow this brake to activate more efficiently to build a resilient and flexible nervous system! In general, you should incorporate some of the aforementioned exercises into your routine so that you can live a fuller life and rewire your brain.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a master’s degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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