5 Worst Foods Destroying Your Sex Life — Eat This Not That

What you eat can really extinguish a hot sex life, and we’re not talking about the chicken with garlic sauce you had for lunch. When included in your diet on a regular basis, there are certain foods that can directly influence the quality of your sex life both affirmatively and negatively due to its effect on your overall health.

“Sexual dysfunction is often a complex problem, common with age, which is rarely purely physical or psychological, but your diet can play a role just as it does in triggering chronic disease,” says the endocrinologist. Florence, MD CommitteeCEO of the Center for Precision Medicine & Health Committee and author of the book Keep going.

In other words, the worst foods that affect your heart, blood pressure, and diabetes risk are usually the foods that affect your sex life.

In many cases, struggling with arousal in women and erectile dysfunction in men can not only be frustrating in the bedroom, but can also serve as an early warning sign of developing chronic disease. “It’s like the canary in the coal mine,” says Dr. Comite. “If he has cholesterol, plaque, and inflammation, it’s likely to block blood flow to the narrow pudendal arteries, a quarter the size of the coronary arteries, that supply the sex organs before they clog the coronary arteries,” he says. . “Diabetes also affects blood vessels and damages nerve tissue, affecting sensations in the skin and decreasing arousal.”

Improve sugar controllowering high blood pressure, controlling cholesterol, and optimizing hormones and metabolism are just a few of the many ways to be sexually healthy, says Comite, creator of the precision medicine health app. GroqHealth.com. Many of these factors will be improved through diet and especially by limiting the following five foods that undermine metabolic health and are destroying your sex life. Keep reading, and for more, do not miss The #1 Best Food for Better Sex, Says Science.

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unhealthy snacks

“A diet high in sugar is not so sweet for your sex life,” says Dr Deborah Matthew, CEO of Signature Wellness, who calls herself America’s Happy Hormone Doctor. Chronic high blood sugar Eating low-fiber, highly processed foods like white bread, baked goods, potato chips, and sugary drinks are to blame for many sexual health problems.

“High sugar intake increases the chances of diabetes, which leads to erectile dysfunction and suppressed testosterone,” says Matthew. The inability to get an erection or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse is common in men with type 2 diabetes. It is often caused by long-term high blood sugar, which damages nerves and nerves. blood vessels, according to Mayo Clinic.

Eating a lot of processed foods like baked goods made with flours that have had the fiber removed “also triggers inflammation, which reduces sexual desire in men and women,” says Matthew.

fried foodfried food

Fried food like chicken wings and cheese-stuffed jalapeños are delicious but high in saturated fat and trans-fatty acids, which have been linked to coronary artery disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, according to a large study of health workers published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. All of those diseases, as we mentioned earlier, are connected to sexual dysfunction.

beer, wine and cocktails at the barbeer, wine and cocktails at the bar

While some drinks can trigger a sexual desire, studies show that excessive alcohol consumption decreases sexual arousal and can make it more difficult to achieve an orgasm. A 2018 study in the Sexual Behavior Files found that women reported less vaginal lubrication after drinking alcohol.

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A date night on the couch watching a romantic movie, believe it or not, could disrupt your plans in the bedroom if you’re in the habit of eating microwave popcorn. “The oily coating on the inside of microwave popcorn bags is made of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), which are hormone-disrupting chemicals that can lower testosterone levels,” says Matthew.

Research published in 2019 in Environmental Health Perspectives which analyzed blood samples and eating habits of a large group of people found that those who ate microwave popcorn daily for a year had levels of polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which were 63% higher than average. These man-made chemicals were previously known as PFCs.

cook steakcook steak

Eating too much saturated fat Red meat and dairy sources can cause your body to make more low-density lipoproteins (LDL cholesterol), which can increase your risk of heart disease. “One of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction is atherosclerosis (narrowing of the blood vessels),” says Dr. Comite. “What can happen to the vessels that supply the heart can certainly happen to the ones that supply the genitals.”

meat dishmeat dish

sausages they are particularly detrimental to the fair sex due to the sodium that the meat retains. “Processed deli meats are high in salt and can contribute to high blood pressure,” says Dr. Matthew. “High blood pressure contributes to erectile dysfunction and reduces libido.” Check this out to learn more about What happens to your body when you eat too much meat.

Even pharmaceutical treatments for high blood pressure won’t help you get back to bed. Some medications used to control high blood pressure can worsen erectile dysfunction.

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“Don’t lose hope,” says Dr. Comite. “Explore other pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical options for lowering blood pressure that won’t affect sexual activity. Getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and practicing restorative practices like meditation, yoga, and Qigong in sync with eating healthy foods will help you reduce your blood pressure and improve your sex life and your health for life.”

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