6 Best Fat-Burning Exercises That Are Better Than Cardio

Including fat-burning exercises in your exercise routine is a great strategy if you’re trying to stay in shape. Simply put, burning fat causes weight loss because less fat will cling to your body against your will. While having a low body fat percentage has obvious benefits, like ensuring clothes fit better and making muscles look more defined and toned, it also has significant health benefits.

Obesity, which increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressureand types of cancer, can be caused by having a body fat percentage that is too high.

The best exercises to burn fat

In addition to being beneficial to your overall health, fat-burning exercises are crucial for anyone trying to reach or maintain a healthy weight.

People generally lose weight when they increase their physical activity and reduce their calorie intake. These modifications when combined can result in a calorie deficit.

Depending on an individual’s weight loss goals, the type and intensity of fat-burning exercise you engage in will determine how much exercise you need to lose weight. People will need to be more physically active to lose weight if you don’t change your diet and decrease your caloric intake.

Here is a list of some of the best exercises to burn fat:

1) Dumbbell Squat Press

This fat-burning exercise is also known as a “thrust” and combines a squat and an overhead press. When done in combination, these complex exercises help activate major fat-burning muscle groups like the quads, shoulders, and glutes.

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  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding the dumbbells close to your shoulders.
  • Pushing your heels into the ground, squat down as low as you can while still feeling comfortable.
  • Squat down and press the dumbbells directly above your head as you approach the bottom.
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2) Pushups

This is a powerful fat-burning exercise that you can do with your own bodyweight and it targets your chest, core, shoulders, and triceps. This exercise will help you gain strength and sculpt your upper body, as well as increase your calorie burn.

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  • Place your hands on the floor just in front of your feet, shoulder-width apart, and bend at the hips.
  • Perform push-ups by walking your hands until they are in the push-up position.
  • Walking your hands back to your feet, repeat the process.

3) Jumping lunges

You’ve probably never tried jumping lunges if you thought ordinary lunges were a challenge. This fat-burning exercise works the same muscles, but it also gets your heart rate up quickly.

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  • Simply lunge forward with your left leg as you reach your right arm and left arm back, elbows locked at 90-degree angles.
  • Jump straight into the air as you switch your arm and leg positions from the lunge, then land with the opposite arm and leg in front.

4) jump rope

Jumping rope is a great exercise to burn fat. Not only does it increase your heart rate and coordination, but it also helps you burn approximately 1,300 calories per hour due to its intensity.

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  • Skip 8-10 reps to warm up.
  • After that, jump nonstop for 1.5 minutes.
  • Repeat after a 15 to 30 second break.
  • Finish three sets.

You can also modify your regimen. Skip one set while standing, one set while using both legs, and one set while using only one leg.

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5) Kettlebell swings

The best aspect of this fat burning exercise is that while you burn fat, it will also help you build muscle. Burn more calories in less time than virtually any other aerobic exercise.

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  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and grasp the kettlebell firmly with both hands.
  • Keep your head up and chest out as you bend at the hips.
  • As you pull the kettlebell between your legs, be sure to keep your knees soft.
  • Bring the kettlebell up to shoulder height while maintaining a straight arm position by pressing through the hips and squeezing the glutes at the top.

6) Climbers

This is a fantastic fat burning exercise that you can do anywhere. Mountain climbers burn calories while exercising the entire body. Keep in mind that you burn more calories when you exercise more vigorously.

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  • Start with your weight on your hands and toes in a hand-to-toe position with a straight line through your shoulders, hips, and ankles.
  • Maintaining a brisk pace, bring your knees up toward your chest while maintaining a strong core.
  • Switch legs as you repeat.


A combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise is better for weight loss than calorie restriction alone. Certain consequences of the disease can be avoided or even reversed through exercise. Exercise lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, which can help fight a heart attack.

Exercise helps lose and maintain weight. Exercise can boost your metabolism, which is the number of calories you burn each day. Lean body mass can be maintained and increased, which also contributes to an increase in daily calorie burn.

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