6 Best High-Protein Foods for Weight Loss, Say Dietitians — Eat This Not That

It is almost impossible to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way without focusing on getting enough protein in your daily diet. For one, protein It helps you feel full for longer periods of time and reduces hunger hormones. Protein also has a higher TEF (Thermic Effect of Food) than fat or carbohydrates, which means your body burns more calories when you eat it. And on top of that, protein can help you build muscle mass.

Although eat enough protein is crucial for healthy weight loss, the quality of your protein is also very important, especially since there is a lot of low-quality, nutrient-poor protein out there.

Read on for the best and worst proteins for weight loss, and for more healthy weight loss tips, be sure to check out Our dieticians trust these weight loss tips.


If you are a fan of seafood, you may want to consider adding more fatty fish like salmon to your weight loss plan.

“A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help promote satiety among certain populations, and salmon is one of the best sources of this healthy fat,” says Lauren Manaker, MS, RDNauthor of The new mom’s pregnancy cookbook Y Feeding Male Fertility. “The data show that the inclusion of fish, such as salmon, as part of an energy-restricted diet resulted in weight loss after 4 weeks compared to a similar diet without shellfish, highlighting that the addition of shellfish to a nutritionally balanced energy-restricted diet can boost weight loss.”

try cooking this Sweet and Spicy Glazed Salmon with Roasted Vegetables for a healthy, protein-packed dinner.

make protein shake powder, fitness supplementsmake protein shake powder, fitness supplements

If you’re looking for a healthy protein powder to add to a delicious shake, you might want to try whey protein.

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“Whey protein can increase satiety quickly, as it contains all the essential amino acids and is quickly absorbed into the body,” he says. Courtney D’Angelo, MS, RDauthor in what a wellness. “Numerous studies have been done with whey protein and weight loss, and most studies conclude that whey protein reduces fat and increases lean muscle mass. Whey protein has also been found to help you keep you full longer and reduce food cravings throughout the day.”

The main difference between whey protein and many other types of protein powder is that whey protein has dairy in it, so you can try a plant-based powder if you’re dairy-free.

RELATED: What happens to your body when you eat whey protein powder

cooked lentilscooked lentils

Because lentils are technically grain legumes (also known as legumes), people may not think of them as a high-protein food. But lentils are a good source of protein and other useful vitamins and nutrients.

“Eating lentils can give the body a boost of fiber, antioxidants and important micronutrients, and data shows that eating lentils can help people lose weight, even when diets are no calorie restrictionsays Manaker. “Substituting fatty meat options for lentils can be an affordable way to support weight loss.”

man making protein powder shake in gymman making protein powder shake in gym

Another popular type of protein powder is casein protein, which D’Angelo says is also great for helping you with your weight loss goals.

“Casein protein is very similar to whey protein in that it is also milk-based and contains all the essential amino acids, but the main difference is that casein protein is slowly absorbed into the body,” says D. ‘Angel. “This means you’ll feel fuller for longer compared to whey protein, and while casein protein isn’t as good at building muscle mass, it’s more effective than many other protein sources.”

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RELATED: The #1 Best Protein Powder for Stronger Muscles, Says Dietician


“Increased daily walnut consumption is associated with lower long-term weight gain and lower risk of obesity in adults, so replacing 0.5 servings a day of less healthy foods with nuts may help prevent long-term weight gain and obesity,” says Manaker.

When it comes to nuts, walnuts are known to be some of the best for aiding weight loss efforts. “Nut consumption has been linked to increased satietythat can help people lose weight long-term,” says Manaker, “and walnuts are the only nut that is an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the essential plant-based omega-3 fatty acid “.

cottage cheesecottage cheese

You may not think of cottage cheese as a high-protein food, but choosing the right kind of cottage cheese can give you a huge protein boost with very little fat and sugar.

In a standard cup of 2% cottage cheese, it will exceed 24 grams of protein, with 5 grams of fat and 9 grams of sugar from lactose. If you want to add some natural flavors to it, you can add your favorite fruit or a drizzle of honey.

The worst proteins for weight loss

Although protein foods can contribute to weight loss, some are better than others. The following protein foods may not be the best to add to your diet if you want to be healthier and lose weight.

grilled sausagesgrilled sausages

“Many varieties of sausage can be loaded with saturated fat and can be highly caloric, factors that don’t help in the weight loss department,” says Manaker. In fact, “the data also shows that the consumption of ultra-processed foods, such as many cold meats, is linked to weight gain.”

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If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to red meat sausage, you can try a chicken or Turkey sausage, or a plant-based sausage option. However, it’s still important to look at the nutrition label because even these products can be loaded with sodium, fat, and foreign preservatives.

protein barsprotein bars

Just because something is labeled as a protein bar doesn’t mean it’s a nutritious option. Many popular protein bars on the market are loaded with added sugar, sodium and fat. So yes, you’re getting a protein boost, but there are healthier protein options to snack on.

for example, a PowerBar Protein Plus Chocolate Brownie Bar contains 9 grams of fat, 330 calories and 21 grams of sugar. So you’ll get 30 grams of protein from this bar, but at what cost?

protein powderprotein powder

One of the lesser-known varieties of protein powder is rice protein. While some people in a plant based diet you can opt for this one, D’Angelo argues that it may not give you the best weight loss results.

“Rice protein may not be the best for weight loss because this plant-based protein is considered incomplete due to its low levels of the essential amino acid lysinesays D’Angelo, “and most studies on rice protein have seen little to no difference in muscle mass and very little, if any, weight loss results.”

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