6 Bodybuilding Lies Crippling Your Progress

A bodybuilding workout will build muscle only if it stimulates growth and is followed by enough recovery time, sleep, and a sufficient supply of nutrients to allow the body to heal.

Train too often and you may not stimulate any growth because you can’t train hard enough. And even if it stimulates growth, you won’t have enough recovery time between workouts to reap the full benefits.

If you are young and have a relaxed lifestyle and good bodybuilding genetics, you can initially make modest progress with four or more workouts a week. But why not optimize your recovery power, make more progress and, as a bonus, spend less time in the gym?

It’s easy for a natural bodybuilder with normal genetics overtrain. But someone with exceptional bodybuilding genetics can thrive with more frequent training, and that person can thrive with even more frequent training if he takes bodybuilding drugs.

It’s best for typical lifters to train no more than three times a week; just twice a week is best for most. Never mind that many drug-assisted super-sensitive bodybuilding champions thrived on six workouts a week. Some of them, for short periods, even thrived on training twice a day, six days a week.

Such a high frequency is training suicide for typical bodybuilders. Most split routines are problematic for the average lifter. The physiological system is highly intertwined and many exercises overlap in the muscles and other tissues they recruit.

Also, training hard for only a limited area of ​​the body still produces a systemic demand that you need to recover from. If you train too often, you will never recover from systemic fatigue and make little to no bodybuilding progress. Have more recovery days than training days!

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