6 do’s and don’ts of wearing make-up while exercising

Whether you’re rushing to spin class after work and don’t have time to wash your face, or want to look cute at the gym (and there’s nothing wrong with that, of course), mixing makeup can be tricky. with training

From hot HIIT sessions to yoga sessions where your face is smashed against the mat, a face full of foundation doesn’t stand a chance when you’re sweating profusely, and the wrong mascara can leave you with streaky panda eyes.

Also, you may be wondering if it’s better for your skin to be bare while exercising, especially now that many of us are getting back into our exercise routines after the summer.

We asked beauty experts to lay out the do’s and don’ts of wearing makeup to the gym…

1. Don’t use a heavy foundation

When it comes to foundation, a light BB or CC cream is usually better than a full coverage foundation.

“Heavy makeup can cause more harm than good,” suggests Dr. Usman Qureshi, aesthetic physician and founder of Luxe Skin by Dr Q. “[It can] block sweat and sebum from leaving the skin, causing acne and blackheads.”

Qureshi recommends water-based or mineral-based foundations: “Both formulas are easy to apply and hydrate skin from morning to night.”

2. Swap lipstick for a lip stain

Instead of heavy lipstick or gloss that your hair can cling to, a lip stain is lightweight and long-lasting.

“Tints are great, because they color the lips, so even when the initial residue has worn off, there’s still a blush of color left,” says Rose Gallagher, makeup artist and ambassador for IT Cosmetics.

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3. Try a mascara

“When your mascara prints over or under your lashes, leading to those dreaded panda eyes, the default next step for many people is to switch to waterproof mascara,” says Gallagher.

“Personally, I prefer tube mascara. Instead of coating the lashes with pigment, it encases them in a rubbery polymer, which means it doesn’t smudge.”

Unlike many waterproof mascaras, tube formulas gently disintegrate in water, and Gallagher adds, “It will wash off quickly and easily when you wash your face.”

4. Do not forget the sun protection factor

“If you exercise outdoors, wearing sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is essential,” says Qureshi.

Today, many BB and CC creams have sun protection built in, or you can spritz a mist of sunscreen over your makeup.

Qureshi adds: “I would recommend mineral sunscreens, as they are much safer on sensitive and acne-prone skin, and can also help protect against UVA and UVB rays.”

5. Take off the foundation afterwards

If you’re going out after a visit to the gym, you don’t need to take off all your makeup and start over.

“I would recommend removing all of your foundation after you work out, but feel free to leave things like mascara and brows as they were,” says Gallagher.

“It’s mostly foundation that’s likely to get sweaty, so by taking it off last and reapplying quickly, you feel fresher and cleaner without needing to spend hours in the dressing room.”

Qureshi agrees: “Washing off makeup immediately after working out is a must. This will reduce the chances of sweat getting into your pores and attracting bacteria and dead skin cells.”

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6. Don’t worry about going barefoot

Finally, Gallagher wants to remind us that while it’s easy to feel self-conscious when exercising in public, it ultimately doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.

“We all have our comfort zones, and I completely appreciate that you feel more comfortable working out with your makeup on,” she says. “[But] I remind you that no one is looking at you! They’re focusing on themselves, too much to notice if you’re wearing makeup or not.”

You can find it liberating to go nude, she adds: “When you have nothing else to worry about, like if my mascara is running or my makeup is everywhere. You’re much more likely to give 110% to your workout and make it flow.” those endorphins.”

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