6 Quick And Healthy Breakfast Recipes to Keep You Energetic Through The Day

Here are some of the best breakfast recipes that are healthy and easy to prepare.

6 quick and healthy breakfast recipes to keep you going through the day (Source: Freepik)

We all grew up hearing from our elders about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do you remember the time when we didn’t even dare to think about going to school without having a full belly?

However, as we got older and caught up in hectic schedules, breakfast became the last thing on our to-do list. Our priorities somehow changed, and the worst thing is that we don’t even realize the negative impact that this negligence has on our health. It feels hard to have a proper breakfast as we are running out of time so much that many of us end up skipping breakfast altogether. What if we make use of high-energy, nutrient-dense foods that are prepared in the blink of an eye (not really, but in two minutes)?

6 quick and healthy breakfast recipes to keep you going through the day:

  1. Cornflakes: Picking a cereal is hands down the best and easiest breakfast food. Pour some crispy cornflakes into a bowl and add warm or cold milk. You can add a bit of honey or consume it as is before the flakes get soggy. When you go grocery shopping, always remember to choose cholesterol-free cornflakes that are rich in iron and vitamins.
  2. Muesli: Like cornflakes, all you need to do is pour on muesli and consume it with your dairy products: milk (warm or cold) or yogurt. Consider adding a fruit or two and a handful of nuts. If you don’t have time to snack on fruit, choose muesli that has the goodness of fruit and nuts. This way, you have two fewer steps to follow in the rush.
  3. sunny up: Eggs are high in protein and therefore a perfect option for breakfast. While tortillas are a worldwide favorite, choose one sunny side up or one fried when chopping vegetables can be a bit much. Eat it as is or better eat it with bread or croissant to make sure you don’t snack on any more junk food before lunch.
  4. Peanut butter and bread: Wondering what’s better than butter and white bread, it’s peanut butter on multigrain/whole wheat bread. You can also opt for a chocolate cream to give your taste buds a treat. Ready in a jiffy, you stay full for a long time, which means fewer cravings to chew throughout the day. Take it with your favorite instant tea.
  5. Smoothie with a dash of peanut butter: Add your favorite fruits, a half cup of unsweetened Greek yogurt, a cup of milk of your choice (vegan can be soy or nut milk), and a tablespoon of peanut butter in a blender and blend until smooth. Consume the drink immediately. The peanut butter will enhance the flavor and nutritional value of the shake.
  6. Oat masala: Instant masala oatmeal is a savior for people on the go. All you need is a full cup of oat masala and one and a half cups of water. Let them boil for 2-3 min. Take it while it’s still hot and there you are with just the kind of energy you need to get through the day.
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Amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life, never let your health take a backseat. Health, without a doubt, is wealth and to ensure a healthy lifestyle, eating a nutritious breakfast every morning is essential. A busy life is one more reason why we need to have a nutritious breakfast. Following easy recipes is the most feasible option to avoid skipping breakfast.

(Entries: IANS)

Release Date: Mar 16, 2023 7:50pm IST

Date Updated: Mar 16 2023 7:53pm IST

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