7 Carbs Causing Chaos on Your Blood Sugar, Say Dietitians — Eat This Not That

Nearly 1 in 2 adults in the United States consistently experiences high blood sugar or hypertension, depending on research conducted by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. This condition puts one at risk for heart disease and stroke. And one of the most influential foods when it comes to unstable blood sugar levels is carbohydrates.

There are two types of carbohydrates: simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. “When you hear simple carbohydrates, think of foods that have been processed to the point where they no longer contain fiber and protein,” he says. sydneygreeneMS, DR, a registered dietitian with our board of medical experts. “When they eat themselves,” he goes on to say, “[simple carbs] will cause a higher spike in blood sugar than more complex carbohydrates because they are quickly digested.”

the CDC recommends that people with diabetes (or prediabetes) should spend only half of their daily calories on carbohydrates, and eat the same amount of carbohydrates at each meal to maintain blood sugar consistency.

Most of the time you don’t have to completely cut out the carbs you love to keep your blood sugar levels from experiencing chaos. Instead, adding other components to a carbohydrate food, such as healthy fats or protein—can help balance a meal. There are also some easy food swaps for refined and processed carbohydrates that will offer more whole grains and fiber to help you control your blood sugar.

According to dieticians, these are the The 7 Worst Carbs That May Be Raising Your Blood Sugar Levels. Read on and for more information on how to eat healthy, don’t miss The 5 Best Drinking Habits for Your Blood Sugar, Dietitians Say.

White bread

White bread is a common household staple. Many people use it to start the day by throwing a few slices in the toaster or to spend their lunch hour making a sandwich. However, due to its high glycemic index (GI), a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar, as soon as this carbohydrate is digested, it can raise blood sugar very quickly . With a GI score of 71 (out of 100)a single slice of white bread contributes a significant amount of glucose (or sugar) to the body’s bloodstream.

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There’s no need to throw out the bread in your pantry just yet. In fact, a simple addition of some healthy fats and fibers, like those found in avocados, for example, “will slow down the rate at which your blood sugar rises,” says Greene.

chocolate chip muffinschocolate chip muffins

Cranberry, chocolate chips, cinnamon and many more. Muffins are sugar-filled pastries that can cause problems if you have high blood sugar. The candy contains a lot of simple carbohydrates, which means there will be rapid digestion and a lot of sugar absorption, explains Greene. “To help regulate the absorption of [the] carbohydrate,” Greene suggests topping your muffin with nut butter for the most benefits.

A great example is peanut butter, which is not only low on the glycemic index, but also spread has healthy oils, protein, and fiber which can help control blood sugar levels.

bowl of brown white ricebowl of brown white rice

Not all forms of rice are bad, but eating too much white rice may be more harmful for some people with high blood sugar. The milling process of white rice removes many beneficial nutrients that the grain starts with, such as fiber. Research It has been shown that people who consume large amounts of white rice have a higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes since the grain has a GI of 66 or higher.

So if rice is a staple in your diet, Greene suggests pairing the carbohydrate with a protein, like salmon or eggs. He may also try switching to brown rice or whole grains (quinoa) to fill in any nutritional gaps, as they are more complete complex carbohydrates.

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You can usually find these crunchy morsels on the snack table at a party, but you might want to think about how your blood sugar might fluctuate before you dive in. On their own, pretzels are considered refined and processed carbohydrates that lack fiber. Eating the salty snack will only result in unwanted amounts of glucose, so “those with high blood sugar [may] have more trouble keeping their blood sugar levels under control,” explains Molly Hembree, MS, RD, LDanother registered dietitian on our board of medical experts.

However, combining pretzels with a dip can increase the nutritional value of a single bite. Made from chickpeas, hummus is a fantastic plant-based protein that contains healthy fats and tons of fiber to help stabilize digestion and control blood sugar. A study in nutrition diary found that compared to white bread, hummus raised blood sugar levels four times less and did not drastically change the body’s insulin levels.

plain pastaplain pasta

Plain pasta is another white, refined flour-based food that can cause a rapid spike in the body’s blood sugar levels. Like many others on the list, pasta is high in carbohydrates and low in nutrients that slow digestion, like protein and fat.

“Refined starches [that] contain little or no fiber can cause blood sugar spikes,” says Hembree. You can get a more nutritious bang for your buck by adding vegetables or beans for equal levels of fiber along with your carbs, he recommends.


While it may sound simple enough, one of the worst things you can do for your blood sugar is eat foods that contain mostly sugar. Breakfast cereals, even those that say “healthy,” contain low amounts of protein, a macronutrient that can not only keep you satisfied but also helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

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For a better balance of carbs and protein in your breakfast, swap out your sugary cereal for a fruit-topped bowl of oatmeal. This combination of whole grains and berries offers fiber, protein, and a more reasonable amount of carbohydrates than digest slower and safer in terms of blood sugar. Also, with the addition of berries, you won’t have to give up a sweet and tasty meal.

potato chipspotato chips

French fries technically come from a vegetable, potatoes, but they’re a high-carb food that can wreak havoc on your blood sugar. French fries can have a high glycemic index, with a GI as high as 82, forcing your body to absorb the food too quickly and watching your blood sugar levels skyrocket, explains Hembree. According to Harvard Health, a cup of chips has similar effects on blood sugar as drinking a can of soda. Furthermore, once boiled, fried and covered in salt, the damage can extend from your blood sugar level to your waistline and even your blood pressure.

RELATED: The 8 Best Carbs You Should Eat Every Day, Dietitians Say

Many people swap this basic side dish for sweet potato fries, as they are packed with vitamin C, potassium, and a solid amount of fiber. Also, sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index of 64, making them a “medium level carbohydratein terms of blood sugar balance. That said, sweet potato fries still fry like regular fries, so if you’re concerned about your blood sugar levels, consider a baked sweet potato.

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