7 Diet Tips For A Healthy And Glowing Skin

Diet Tips for Glowing Skin: Your skin is one of the areas most affected by what you eat, and your eating habits can affect both your general health and well-being. If one wants healthy, glowing skin, one should eat foods rich in various skin-improving nutrients in addition to reducing the intake of processed and fried junk food. Nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee says, “Our skin has a tremendous ability to rejuvenate itself. As time passes, fine lines and sagging appear on the aging face. In addition to the appearance, there are significant changes in the texture of the skin. The ability to rejuvenate itself also decreases. So it is important to take special care of your skin every day.Also Read – Beauty Hacks: 5 DIY Ice Cube Packs for Fresh and Glowing Skin

Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily, eating a diet rich in fruits and leafy vegetables and getting enough protein are all essential for beautiful skin. Fewer creases and wrinkles will be present, and your skin will look younger. Nutritionist shares diet tips to incorporate into your routine for healthy and glowing skin. Also Read – Makeup Hacks: Shahnaz Hussain shares the best tips for adding length and volume to your lashes

Diet tips for healthy and glowing skin

  1. Drink at least one glass of vegetable juice. Plant foods provide vitamins C, E and selenium that prevent aging and help in cell renewal.
  2. Avoid smoking as it damages your skin
  3. Avoid fried and spicy foods that contribute to toxic overload.
  4. Limit fat intake and instead include foods rich in healthy fats such as monounsaturated fatty acids and omega fatty acids such as fish oil, olive oil, canola oil and walnuts.
  5. Increase your intake of fiber and complex carbohydrates by using fruits, vegetables and whole grains that provide roughage and detoxify the system.
  6. Reduce your intake of processed foods high in additives and preservatives and opt for fresh home-cooked foods instead.
  7. Take skin-nourishing nutrients like vitamins A, B, C and E, zinc and gamma linolenic acid.
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A vibrant, green vegetable dish is ideal for flawless skin. Whether it’s broccoli, coriander, parsley, or spinach, these iridescent leaves are bursting with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that work together to keep your skin looking fresh and youthful. Also Read – Shahnaz Hussain shares the best DIY hacks to remove skin tanning at home


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