7 Hamstrings Strength Exercises to Keep Your Pedal Stroke Smooth

Cyclists’ hamstrings are often overlooked next to the monster quads and bulky calvesthe main promoters of all pedal stroke. But without enough hamstring strength, you’ll never maximize your power potential. This is because the hamstrings are key muscles throughout the pedaling rotation.

Why you need strong hamstrings on the bike

The hamstrings are made up of three muscles: the biceps femoris, the semimembranosus, and the semitendinosus. And they work harder when you lift your leg from the bottom of the pedal stroke. But they’re also responsible for “flexing the knee and extending the hip joint throughout the pedal stroke,” says Paul Warloski, a US Level 3 cycling coach with simple resistance in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. If you don’t have enough strength to facilitate that push and pull motion, you’ll never get the power you need for efficient driving.

Your hamstrings are also activated during the downstroke to provide some Energy and stabilize and guide the knee and foot back to the starting point, says Warloski. Stabilizing the kneeespecially when your leg is extended at the bottom of the pedal stroke, it’s crucial: this joint helps transfer power from the large muscles of your hips and thighs to the lower legs and feet, often bearing the brunt of the repetitive nature of cycling.

The problem? When you’re sitting on a bike for hours (or sitting too long in any scenario, really) puts your hips in a flexed position, which keeps your buttocks and hamstrings in a stretched state. Over time, this can lead to something called gluteal amnesia or dead butt syndrome, where the buttocksWhat should be the most powerful muscles in your lower body aren’t activated properly (or at all), explains Seamus Sullivan, a certified strength and conditioning specialist and performance and health coach in Los Angeles. Then the hamstrings get too stressed, because they’re regaining slack in the glutes. All of this can manifest itself in perennial form. tight hamstrings for cyclists.

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Extension can help but strength training It is equally important to avoid pain. “Having strong hamstrings is key for cyclists during pedaling,” says Sullivan. “It also helps with general workability and stress mitigation. overuse injuries.”

To build hamstring strength, Warloski recommends strength training at least twice a week, until about a month before your first big event or racing season start (so once a week using heavier weights is good for maintenance). These hamstring exercises will prepare you for your time in the saddle, dissipating tension and building killer leg strength.

How to use this list: When you start strength training, be careful about the weight you choose and the number of reps you do (don’t be afraid to start with body weight until nailing the proper shape). “We don’t normally stress the hamstrings this way, and they will be sore!” Warloski says. “Fatigue the next day is good, extreme pain is not and is a sign that Recovery it will take more time and you will lose the adaptation”.

You should do this workout. after a cycling session. “I usually tell clients to make their interval session in the morning and strength training at night,” says Warloski. “Our legs will already be a bit tired from the morning session. But we don’t care how much weight we lift, just that lifting increases stress and fatigue.”

Do 2 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions of these exercises. “Your goal is to build some hamstring fatigue so that you finish the set feeling like you could do three or four more reps by the end of the second set. The first set lets you figure out what weight to use, the second set should end with fatigue.”

Kristine Zabala, a Philadelphia-based fitness instructor at barry and senior coach to solid core, demonstrates each exercise so you can learn the correct form. You will need a set of sliders (or towels), a stability ball, a mini band, and a set of dumbbells. An exercise mat is optional.

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1. Sliding Curls

Lie on your back, with your knees bent and your heels resting on the sliders under your feet. Drive through your heels, contract your glutes, and lift your hips toward the ceiling. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. This is your starting position. Slowly extend one leg out, then press heel to floor, pull heel toward glutes. Keep your hips high. Repeat on the other side. Keep alternating. If this is too easy, do both legs at once.

2. Hamstring rolls

Lie on your back with your heels on an exercise ball. Lift your hips off the ground, knees in the air and directly over your hips. This is your starting position. Push the ball away from your buttocks, straightening your legs but keeping your knees soft. Pull your heels toward your glutes, rolling the ball and returning to starting position. Keep your hips up and your core engaged. Repeat.

3. Nordic Curls

Begin kneeling with your feet secured by a partner or under a weight. Keep a straight line from your head to your knees (you may have a slight bend in your hips). Lower your torso toward the ground as far as you can using just your upper legs, then use your hands to grab onto the ground. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings to bring your body back to the starting position (use your hands to help initiate the upward movement if necessary). Repeat.

4. Single Leg Band Kickbacks

Wrap one end of a resistance band around a low anchor point or the opposite ankle. Wrap the other end around the opposite leg below the knee or just above the ankle (the lower it is, the harder the move). Bend slightly at the waist and use a chair or wall for balance. Extend one leg behind you in a sweeping motion, then pause and squeeze your glutes at the top. Start again. Repeat. Then switch sides.

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5. Split Stance Romanian Deadlift

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and get into a split stance with your left foot forward and your right foot back. With a slight bend in your knees, rotate your hips by sending your glutes back and lower the dumbbells to mid-shin. Keep a flat back and an engaged core. Push through your feet to extend your hips and come back to standing. Repeat. Then switch sides.

6. Good morning weighted

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a barbell or dumbbell over your shoulders, hands behind your head. Rotate your hips by sending your glutes back and slowly lower your torso until your hamstrings contract. Pause, then squeeze your glutes and push through your feet to return to standing. Repeat.

7. Single Leg Glute Bridge

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet planted, arms down by your sides on the floor. Raise your right leg toward the ceiling, keeping both knees in line. Engage your glutes and lead with your left foot to lift your hips. Slowly lower your hips to the ground. Repeat. Then switch sides.

Ashley Mateo is a writer, editor, and UESCA and RRCA certified athletic trainer who has contributed to Runner’s World, Bicycling, Women’s Health, Health, Shape, Self, and more.

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