7 High-Fiber Foods to Add to Your Diet To Keep You Full and Healthy

Sure, superfoods like açaí and spirulina it spends a lot of time in the wellness spotlight thanks to its vibrant hues and Instagrammability. But a much less sexy superfood, or rather superfood category, really should be in the spotlight. And that’s fiber.

Despite all the health benefits of fiber, only 1 in 20 Americans get enough of the nutrient, according to a 2017 article in the American journal of lifestyle medicine.

“The lack of fiber in the diet of Americans could be due to fad diets: think low carb diets, keto, intermittent fasting—that eliminate some of the highest fiber food categories or severely restrict the amount of food consumed,” he explains Maria Stewart, RD, LD, registered dietitian and founder of Cultivate Nutrition in Dallas.

But our fiber failures could also just be a factor of the standard American diet (also known as SAD), adds Michelle Hyman, RD, a registered dietitian at Simple solutions to lose weight In New York. The United States Dietary Guidelines from 2020 to 2025 report that 90% of Americans don’t eat the recommended amount of vegetables, 80% are ashamed of fruit, and a whopping 98% don’t eat enough whole grains, all foods packed with fiber.

“We’re just not eating enough foods that are naturally high in fiber, including fruits vegetables, whole grains and legumes,” says Hyman. “Many ready-to-eat or ready-to-heat convenience foods and packaged snacks are made with refined grains that are low in fiber.”

Things get even more confusing when nutrition claims on product packages be stirred into the mixture. The terms “made with whole grains,” for example, can be placed on any item that has any amount of whole grains. That means the percentage of fiber in different whole grain products ranges from 3.5% to 18%, says Stewart, which translates to a serving of whole grains that has between just 0.5 grams of fiber and almost 3 grams of fiber per serving. This is why you want to see the nutrition label and the ingredients list for any products you buy and choose those that contain at least 3 grams of fiber per serving, or even better, 5 grams of fiber per serving, suggests Stewart.

Why all the fuss around this nutrient? Let’s discuss the benefits of fiber and how to get more of it.

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What is fiber, exactly?

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines fiber as a type of carbohydrate consisting of many sugar molecules linked together in a pattern that is not easily digested in the small intestine. The natural fiber comes packed inside. vegetarian foodincluding fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes.

Regarding the amount of fiber that should be eaten, the US Dietary Guidelines Suggest ideal fiber intake based on daily calorie intake. For every 1,000 calories, we should aim to consume 14 grams of fiber. For those who identify as female, the general recommendation is 25 grams of fiber per day, and for those who identify as male, it is 38 grams of fiber per day.

It is also important to know that there are three types of fiber:

  • insoluble fiber, which speeds up the digestive system so food and waste can move at a faster rate. Think of insoluble fiber as a broom that cleans your intestines as it goes, which in turn increases the bulk of your stool and keeps you visiting the bathroom regularly.
  • Soluble fiber, which absorbs water like a sponge and, in turn, obstructs the absorption of fats and cholesterol in the body. Since this is the case, soluble fiber helps lower the level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in the blood and helps control sugar in the blood.
  • functional fiber it is essentially a fiber supplement. This form of fiber is extracted from natural sources or made authentically and then added back to foods or powders.

    The dietitians we spoke with recommend consuming more of the first two types of fiber over the third “because fiber is so readily available in so many delicious and diverse foods, I would recommend food as your source of access,” she explains Katherine Brooking, RD, co-founder of nutrition news company Appetite for Health in San Francisco.

    The health benefits of fiber

    Think of fiber as an all-natural recipe for improving the well-being of your entire body. He’s been pegged in tons of studies and scientific reviews to a lower risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Fiber not only fills you up, it also cleanses you, as fiber also helps promote gut health.

    What happens if you don’t get enough fiber, the reality 95% of us live in daily?

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    You may experience:

    • irregular bowel movements
    • Constipation
    • blood sugar fluctuations
    • Lack of satiety after eating.
    • Increased risk of high cholesterol levels
    • Higher risk of discharge blood pressure
    • A less than optimal gut microbiome, which can affect the immune system, skin, mood, and more
    • increased risk of type 2 diabetes

        “Simply put, fiber is a powerful nutrient worth understanding and incorporating into every meal,” says Stewart.

        7 high-fiber foods to start eating today

        These dietitian-recommended foods will help you hit your fiber mark. Just make sure drink plenty of water while modifying your menu, especially if your current fiber intake levels are low. Start by adding one serving of a high-fiber food to one meal per day, then work your way up from there, says Stewart.

        “Increase fiber intake gradually as tolerated. Make sure your fluid intake is adequate as you increase your fiber intake,” adds Hyman, as too much fiber without enough fluid can lead to constipation, loose stools, swelling, abdominal pain or discomfort.

        1. Beans and legumes

        From lentils and limes to chickpeas and cannellini, almost all beans and legumes are high in fiber and protein. try them as a meat substitute for easy fiber repair, suggests Stewart. “Swap ground beef in tacos for black beans, use lentils instead of meat in your bolognese, or replace chicken in your salad with cannellini beans.”

        • Fiber per 1 cup of canned navy beans: 13 grams

            2. Nuts and seeds

            “Nuts and seeds not only are they a good source of fiber, but they also contain other vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats,” says Stewart. Grab a handful of almonds, pecans, walnuts or pistachios for a satisfying snack on its own, or opt for Hyman’s seed of choice: chia. These tiny seeds are so easy to add to oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce, or blended into smoothies.

            • Fiber per 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) of chia seeds: 10 grams
            • Fiber per 1 ounce (about 23) almonds: 4 grams

              3. Berries

              In addition to being powerful in vitamin C, berries of all kinds almost unanimously come out at the top of the Fruit category in terms of fiber content. Blackberries and raspberries, in particular, will help fill you up. Use berries to top oatmeal, smoothie bowls, or as a stand-alone snack, or even add them to your dessert. For a high-fiber post-workout recipe, use a fork to mash the berries, then spread them out on your nut butter sandwich instead of jam.

              • Fiber per 1 cup of raspberries: 8 grams
              • Fiber per 1 cup of blackberries: 8 grams
              • Fiber per 1 cup of blueberries: 4 grams
              • Fiber per 1 cup of strawberries, sliced: 3 grams
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                4. pears

                as a oatmeal As a side dish, an on-the-go snack, or a side dish for lunch, this high-fiber fruit is surprisingly versatile. Hyman recommends dusting a halved pear with cinnamon and baking until tender; serve topped with vanilla yogurt for dessert.

                • Fiber per medium pear: 5 grams

                  5. Whole grains

                  Whether you prefer rice, pasta or bread, you can find a whole grain option to switch to the more refined white version. Try whole wheat bread instead of potato bread, whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta, brown rice or quinoa instead of white rice, and whole wheat instead of all-purpose flour. Oatmeal is also a smart choice to start your day with whole grains and fiber, says Brooking. Try it instead of a muffin, sugary cereal, or muffin. “[Oats] they contain resistant starch that ferments and feeds our gut flora, making oats a great food for supporting microbiome health,” adds Stewart.

                  • Fiber per 1 cup of cooked oatmeal: 4 grams

                    6. Avocados

                    While you may be more familiar with healthy fats, avocados they are a surprisingly stellar source of fiber. Use it to top toast, blend into smoothies, as part of salads or grain bowls, or as a side dish for any of your favorite Mexican foods.

                    • Fiber per ¼ avocado: 4 grams

                      7. Bananas

                      These inexpensive and portable potassium Stars are also an often-overlooked source of fiber, says Hyman. Buy bananas that are green and some that are yellow each week, so they mature at different rates. Brown too early? Peel the fruit, cut into small pieces, and freeze for later use to thicken smoothies or puree into “nice cream.”

                      • Fiber per medium banana: 3 grams

                        Estimates of the nutritional information of the USDA FoodData Central Nutrition Database.

                        Karla Walsh is a Des Moines, Iowa-based freelance writer and top-notch sommelier who balances her love of food and drink with her passion for fitness.

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