7 Reasons Why You MUST Consume Tulsi Tea Daily

Health Benefits of Tulsi Tea: Basil is known for its powerful adaptogen and antioxidant effects, which are believed to improve well-being by enhancing the body’s defense mechanisms, reducing stress levels and increasing mental clarity. Dr. According to Chaitali, “Tulsi is an auspicious plant whose medicinal uses extend from reducing the I’ll effect of cancer radiotherapy.”

Due to its therapeutic and health effects, Tulsi is considered one of the most revered herbs in India. Antioxidants in Basil tea Protects cells from damage caused by free radicals, which promote the development and spread of numerous diseases. Ayurveda experts believe that every Indian household has this plant in its kitchen garden, so this plant has tremendous benefits that cannot be counted at your fingertips.

Tulsi leaves are beneficial for our immune system.

Health Benefits of Tulsi Tea:

  1. Antioxidant

  2. Antiviral (useful in cough, cold and viral fever)

  3. Antibacterial (useful in infections, sore throat disorders)

  4. Anti-fungal (useful in fungal skin diseases)

  5. Beneficial during respiratory disorders

  6. Anti-stress dress gives effect

  7. Reduce sinusitis and headaches

Tulsi has been suggested to be very helpful in protecting our body against numerous infections and diseases. It’s a great heart-healthy food because it contains powerful antioxidants that can help keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels under control. Basil leaves are beneficial to our body in various ways and have numerous healing benefits.

You can take 5-6 fresh basil leaves and boil them in a cup of water for 2-3 minutes and then drink it hot.

Tip: A person complaining of heavy bleeding, excessive appetite and inflammation should avoid Tulsi tea.


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