7 Sneaky Habits That Slow Down Aging To Start Right Now — Eat This Not That

Wellness experiences, anti-aging toners, and skincare products that promise every youthful feeling are so hot right now, and for good reason. People want to do everything in their power to look and feel younger. But did you know that there are some pretty tricky little habits that slow down aging that you can easily incorporate into your everyday life? Most of them cost nothing and all of them will make a big difference. Read on to learn more about these seven keys. life habits you want to start doing right now.

mature yoga friends demonstrating the sneaky habits to delay aging

Having a valuable and supportive relationship with friends is linked to a happier and healthier overall well-being. Researchers from the University of Michigan sent a survey to 271,053 adults to learn about the benefits seniors derive from maintaining close relationships and friendships (through news week). The study indicates that when older people appreciate their friendships, their overall performance seems to improve.

Receiving support from multiple relationships and really estimating value is incredibly beneficial. So, keep your friends and loved ones close, because the gift of friendship is priceless!

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senior women gardening, active lifestyle to prevent heart failuresenior women gardening, active lifestyle to prevent heart failure

If you’re thinking of retiring to “smell the roses,” maybe consider planting some flower gardens and tending to those too! It is important to really live through your life and continue to embrace new interests, hobbies, plans, or goals. Retirement has been associated with shorter life expectancy, according to researchAnd it’s all about staying active and motivated as you age.

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In Okinawa, Japan, many older people live to be 100 years old and beyond. (According to blue zones, Okinawa was referred to as “the land of the immortals” at one point). Okinawans believe in “ikigai,” which means waking up every day with a purpose. So you have a reason to get going when your alarm goes off in the morning. Think of each day of your life as a gift, unwrap each of your gifts and enjoy it!

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woman holding a smoothie and eating a grain bowl with chickpeas, vegetables, hummus and couscouswoman holding a smoothie and eating a grain bowl with chickpeas, vegetables, hummus and couscous

Eating a plant-based diet may help you live longer, study reveals (via Good morning america). What exactly is a plant-based diet? Well, it’s a diet that contains mostly (or all) plants! Research reveals that life expectancy increases when a diet of foods such as legumes, whole grains, vegetables and fruits is maintained. It’s also important to reduce the amount of sweetened beverages, refined grains, and processed meats you put into your body. Sticking to this “optimized diet” can apparently add up to 10 to 13 years to your life.


Beans and more beans really are good for your heart, and nuts are really healthy too. Research published in PLOS Medicine reveals that eat more legumes can add an additional 10 years to its useful life. Switching from red meat to legumes is key, and the earlier you start in life with this change, the healthier you will be.

When it comes to nuts, people who eat them daily are less likely to die from heart disease, cancer, and respiratory illnesses, according to Harvard Health Journal. Dr. Frank Hu, co-author of the study and professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, says: “We found that people who ate walnuts every day lived longer, healthier lives than people who didn’t eat walnuts. “. (By the way, we learned from the study that peanuts are classified as legumes and were considered nuts for the purposes of this particular study.)

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mature couple running outdoors at sunset, one of the leisure activities that lengthen your lifemature couple running outdoors at sunset, one of the leisure activities that lengthen your life

The “active grandparents” hypothesis exists, and it’s a good one. According to Harvard Health Journal, the idea is that the human species exists and advances by keeping fit during its lifetime. This consistent routine helps prevent chronic health problems, such as heart disease.

Daniel E. Lieberman, a paleoanthropologist and professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard University, explains: “Hunter-gatherers had to be physically active to avoid starvation. And as our Stone Age ancestors aged , they continued to forage to provide surplus food for their children and grandchildren. But according to the ‘active grandparents’ hypothesis, that physical activity in old age also helped them live longer, healthier lives.” The “active grandparents” hypothesis suggests that humans have been more physically active in old age, which is one reason for longer and healthier lives.

social dinner for seniors, sneaky habits to delay agingsocial dinner for seniors, sneaky habits to delay aging

It is important to identify the people who make you happiest, not isolate yourself and adopt a sense of community. Research it actually shows that, in addition to experiencing better mental well-being, people who maintain strong social ties have a 50% lower risk of mortality.

exist A lot of studies They associate an active social life with longevity, so it’s crucial to keep those social skills strong and not isolate yourself. According to Lisa Berkman, director of the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies and Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy and Epidemiology at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, the stress that comes with being isolated can wreak havoc on your immune system. . , making him weak and vulnerable to disease (through Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health).

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If you haven’t jumped on the turmeric bandwagon yet, you should do so as soon as possible, because this is another one of those sneaky habits that delay aging. Turmeric is a must in your spice cabinet. In fact, once you learn the tremendous health benefits of this orange-colored spice, you’ll add it to just about everything, from smoothies to oatmeal to soups to scrambled eggs.

According to Cleveland ClinicTurmeric is said to decrease inflammation, lower the risk of heart disease, help sharpen memory, reduce depression and reduce cancer. Also, it is extremely beneficial for people suffering from ulcerative colitis. In fact, one study revealed that people with ulcerative colitis who took 2 grams per day (in addition to any prescription medication) seemed to stay in remission longer than people who didn’t take turmeric.

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