8 Best Foods for Eye Health, According to a Dietitian

feta and papaya salad in a blue bowl

Carrots are usually what come to mind when we think of food and eye health, in part because this is one of the first connections between food and health that many of us learn in childhood. But even if it wasn’t, eating carrots has become synonymous with good eyesight and healthy eyes.

Recipe in the photo: Papaya and Feta Salad

The reality is that carrots are not the only foods that can be eaten to optimize eye health. Sure, they’re a great source of vitamin A, a key nutrient for eye health, but carrots aren’t the only (or necessarily the best) source. There are several other eye-healthy foods, thanks to other nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, and omega-3s, that are worth adding to your eating pattern.

Here are eight of the best foods to eat for eye health.

1. Sweet potatoes

Vitamin A maintains the health of the cornea and is part of the pigment rhodopsin, which allows light to be converted into electrical signals that are interpreted as vision. While carrots are often touted for their vitamin A content, sweet potatoes have three times the vitamin A activity (a medium baked sweet potato provides 150% of the daily value). This is due to provitamin A carotenoids (one of which is beta-carotene), which are inactive forms of the vitamin that give it a deep orange and deep green color and act as antioxidants.

2. Spinach and kale

Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach are prime sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoids that protect the retina. Acting like antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin absorb a substantial amount of blue light rays, preventing them from entering the interior of the eye to prevent light-induced free radicals from damaging eye cells. Higher intake of spinach, kale, and other dark green vegetables (such as turnip greens and collard greens) increase circulating levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, which appears to delay age-related macular degeneration (vision changes associated with the aging process) and can even stop the progression of cataracts

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3 eggs

Eggs are another great source of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, particularly when they come from chickens fed a nutrient-rich diet. Eggs naturally contain both lutein and zeaxanthin, but fortified eggs they have significantly higher levels that also seem to be more easily absorbed and utilized by the body. This means that regular consumption of those eggs can increase levels of lutein and zeaxanthin to optimize and maintain eyesight. A study published in Clinical Nutrition in 2020 found that those who ate four to six eggs per week over a 15-year period had a 46% lower risk of developing severe vision loss compared to subjects who ate one egg or fewer per week.

4. Oysters

Zinc it is required for the activation of more than 300 enzymes in the body (some of which involve the eyes), maintains the structure and stability of proteins in the retina, and protects retinal cells to prevent and delay retinal loss. vision, along with other antioxidants such as selenium. Although clinical deficiency is rare, investigate suggests that most people consume inadequate amounts of zinc. This means that it is beneficial to incorporate foods rich in zinc such as oysters. Oysters are one of the most concentrated dietary sources of zinc and provide other nutrients for eye health, such as selenium, copper, and omega-3 fatty acids. Not a fan? Animal protein sources (such as meat, shellfish, and poultry), fortified cereals, beans, nuts, and seeds are also good sources.

5. Almonds

Vitamin E It is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells throughout the body, including those in the eyes. Oxidative damage caused by environmental exposure to pollution, smoke, and harmful rays can slowly affect the cells of the eye and others involved in vision, but vitamin E works to stop this damage by neutralizing free radicals. Incorporating more vitamin E-rich foods, such as almonds, is important for eye health as well as overall health, and almonds are a prime source. An ounce of dry roasted almonds (about 23) provides 45% of the daily needs. Other good sources include sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, peanut butter, and avocado.

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6. Blue fish

Are your eyes always dry and irritated? Eating oily fish like tuna, trout, mackerel, sardines, and salmon, which contain omega-3s, two to three times a week can provide some relief. dry eye syndrome It is caused by inadequate tear production and a lack of tear film over the eyes. While they may appear to be solely water-based, tears also contain a component of mucus and oil, so a lack of essential fatty acids like DHA and EPA can contribute to dry eye symptoms. Investigate suggests that increasing intake can significantly improve symptoms, thanks to increased tear production and the anti-inflammatory effects generated by omega-3s.

7. Papaya

Papaya gets its orange-pink flesh from lycopene, a carotenoid that appears to delay cataract formation. However, the real power player of the fruit is vitamin C (a small papaya provides more than 150% of the recommended daily intake). The eyes have a high metabolic rate (resulting in faster free radical formation), which means the cells in the eye have a greater need for antioxidant protection from nutrients like vitamin C. Investigate also suggests that the vitamin may be able to regenerate vitamin E and other antioxidants in the eye, making foods rich in vitamin c such as papaya, citrus, red bell pepper and even more beneficial berries.

8. Beans

Did you know that carbohydrate choices can affect eye health? At Study of eye diseases related to age, people who ate diets comprised of higher glycemic index carbohydrate options were significantly more likely to have vision loss from Macular degeneration associated with age. This means it’s important to switch from higher glycemic index foods (such as refined grains, snack foods, and drinks with added sugars) to lower glycemic index, high-fiber options, such as beans and cereals integrals. In addition to promoting healthy blood sugar regulation, beans (canned and dried) are also a good source of other important nutrients for the eyes, such as zinc and B vitamins.

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Carolyn Williams, Ph.D., RD, is a culinary nutrition expert known for her ability to simplify food and nutrition information and the author of two cookbooks, Foods That Heal: 100 Daily Anti-Inflammatory Recipes in 30 Minutes or Less Y One pot meals that heal (June 2022). She is also a co-host of the Happy Eating podcast, which explores the influence diet and lifestyle have on mental well-being.

You can follow her on Instagram @realfoodreallife_rd or in carolynwilliamsrd.com.

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