8 of the Best Weightlifting Exercises to Improve Your Overhead Performance | BarBend

a typical Weightlifting The diet consists of frequently carrying the bar overhead. Classic elevators, known as the rapture Y the clean and jerkboth share the functional purpose of lifting the bar to the head in the finish It is an integral part of the sport of weightlifting that is more difficult than it seems at first glance.

Lifting above the head is an expression of both your shoulder Y hub strength. There are precise techniques used in the overhead lift, which result in the perfect balance of the bar with straight arms.

By practicing the correct lifts, your upper strength it can become your strongest asset. These eight lifts are among the best for getting stronger overhead.

The best overhead exercises for weightlifting

Strict Barbell Press

The strict press is a classic ceiling lift: simple, but effective. In the lift, you grab the bar from your shoulders up using only the upper body strength. When it comes to pure air force, the tighter presses you dothe best.

Benefits of the Strict Press

How to do the strict press

Begin the strict press by placing your bar in the squat rack. Go to front rack position with the bar resting on your shoulders. Stand on straight legs with your feet hip-width apart.

Brace your core and push up vertically against the bar. After the bar clears your head, push on it while straighten your arms to finish the lift. Carefully lower the bar to your shoulders and do 3-10 reps per set.

Note: You can also do the strict press with dumbbells.

Barbell Push Press

The press push takes the aerial press to a higher level. Your leg strength plays an important role in this lift by generating speed on the initial descent and momentum of the bar. Is a very powerful elevatorThat allows him add more weight when it goes over the head.

Benefits of the push press

  • Adding weight to the press increases your overhead strength capacity.
  • The discharge timing is transferable to the discharge timing. the lout.

How to do the push press

take the barbell to the front rack position off the squat rack. Stand on straight legs with a tight core. While keeping your torso upright, dip your legs to a quarter squat position. Quickly change direction and bring the bar up from your shoulders as you extend onto your toes. End the lift by returning your heels to the floor and pressing the bar with your arms straight overhead at the same time.

push pull

The jerk Bring the bar from your shoulders to your head in one quick motion. In the lift, you primarily use your leg strength to push and catch the weight, allowing you to add more weight than a press.

there are some different idiot styles, but the push pull is best for targeting your true stability and balance overhead. In the push jerk, you don’t move your feet, which keeps the focus of your lift on nailing your perfect overhead vertical drive.

Benefits of the Push Jerk

  • The high power of the lift adds intensity to your overhead work.
  • training to quick capture improves your lifting speed.
  • The grip on the bent legs improves balance.

How to do the push jerk

Begin the push jerk with the bar in the front rack position. With the torso erect and elbows upsink into a quarter squat position and drive the bar quickly from your shoulders. After the bar passes your forehead, drop under the bar to catch it, then stand up.

single arm press

Adequate top strength requires balance and symmetry. If there are imbalances, bilateral movements with the bar can now fully address any one-sided weakness. This unilateral movement trains each arm individually for valuable overhead stability and strength.

Benefits of the single arm press

  • Address weaknesses that may be present on one side.
  • Additional overhead stabilization is required, which should translate to other barbell lifts.
  • Train your core to lean against a uneven weight distribution general expenses.

How to do the one arm press

Find your dumbbell of choice. Do this exercise standing up for the best overhead strength result. Bring the weight to your shoulder and brace your core. Carry the weight vertically general expenses. Carefully lower the weight back to your shoulder.

Note: You can also perform single-arm push presses for some added intensity.

Press behind the neck

rising from behind the neck is a staple of overhead strength training for powerlifters. From this position, the bar stacks directly on top of the spine and helps with the path of the bar. The unique starting location creates a strong foundation for your mobility and strength.

Benefits of the press behind the neck

  • Encourages pushing up under the bar with proper head placement.
  • Works slightly different muscles than the front rack press, leading to more hypertrophy.

How to do the press behind the neck

Place the bar behind your neck, across your traps in a high bar position. Place your hands outside your shoulders or in a wide boot grip. Stand on straight legs and point your elbows towards the ground. Push the bar from your shoulders up, with or without leg drive.

Head Squat

You can never go wrong using the head squat as a strategy to improve your overhead lift. Not only do you take the weight over your head and hold it, but you also perform a squat to full depth while keeping the weight safe. challenge your full mobility to its greatest extent while requiring absolute strength.

Benefits of the overhead squat

How to do the overhead squat

Start by taking the bar behind your neck. Find your starting grip. Push behind your neck to hold the bar above your head. Adjust your feet to a proper squatting position.

While pushing against the bar with straight arms, complete a full squat, then return to a standing position. Keep your balance and height under the bar and keep your arms straight the entire time.

boot balance

When you’re ready to get fast and aggressive under the bar, the snatch the balance pays tremendously. In this lift, you quickly drop under the bar and catch it in a deep overhead squat position.

Benefits of Snatch Balance

  • Imitate and train the footwork of the snatch.
  • Reinforce how correctly fall under the bar in the outburst
  • Improve confidence with heavy weights overhead.

How to do the starting balance

Find the starting position by grabbing the bar behind your neck in a straight-legged snatch grip. Perform a dip and drive identical to a push press.

As the bar comes off your shoulders, slide your feet out into a squat and push yourself under the bar into a squat. deep squat. Should take the elevator quickly with straight arms. Balance and hold the bar overhead in the bottom grip, and finish the lift by standing up.

Isometric Overhead Hold

Going overhead, you need to be able to hold the bar in the first place. A thorough Blocking it is necessary for the end of every roof lift, especially in competition. This isn’t always as easy as it sounds, so a little extra practice can go a long way.

Benefits of Isometric Head Hold

How to do the isometric overhead grip

For the barbell overhead grip, start in the front rack position and press the bar overhead. Hold the weight for the desired amount of time. For example, do 4-5 sets for 30 seconds. You can also do the overhead grip on the snatch grip. For this variation, start with the bar behind your neck before pressing overhead.

The overhead hold can also be done with dumbbells. Practice both arms with a dumbbell in each hand, or do one arm holds for unilateral stability jobs.

How to program overhead strength work

if you are a weightlifter, it is likely that these general exercises are already present in some way in your program. Depending on your experience level, some will be more challenging than others. However, your overhead strength training should be individualized to your goals.

Start by evaluating your air mobility. Grab a spike rod and work your way through some presses, squats, and passes. When comfortable, advance to barbell presses from both front and back rack positions. When this feels right, move on to the overhead squat. Once you master the overhead press and squat, you’re ready to introduce high-power lifts like the push press, jerk, snatch balance, etc.

While training the head lifts for a few days or weeks, look at your strengths and weaknesses related to going above the head. Identify which exercises need more work and talk to your coach about including a combination of them in your plan.

Select 3-5 of the best exercises for you and repeat them to progress.

How to warm up for overhead lifts

Prepare your overhead lift with a full warm up. you should start with light cardio to prepare your body for exercise.

Since you will be extending your arms above your head, start with dynamic shoulder stretches and exercises such as band pulls, arm circles, overhead stretches, or side bends. If your shoulder muscles are tight, release the tissue with a foam roller either massage ball. At the end of your warm-up, your shoulders should feel “activated” and warm.

Warm up for your lift with the empty bar for 2-3 sets. Especially when going overhead, start light and gradually add weight. Make incremental jumps to your working weight for best results.

More Overhead Training Tips

Now that you’re an expert at these overhead lifts, check out these other resources to maximize your overhead strength skills.

Featured Image: Srdjan Randjelovic/Shutterstock

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