9 Tips You Can Follow to Prevent Premature Greying of Hair

Premature graying of hair: As you get older, your hair may begin to thin in certain areas of the head or turn gray or white instead of remaining its original color. However, gray hair can develop at practically any stage of life. Young adults and people in their 20s may also see a few gray hairs. While hair color changes are common as people age, other causes of gray hair include vitamin B-12 deficiency, stress, smoking, and others.Also Read – Best Bridal Hair Care Tips and Wedding Hairstyles by Shahnaz Hussain on Your Special Day

According to nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee, “Premature graying of hair is a major cause of low self-esteem. It occurs to varying degrees in individuals depending on chronological aging, oxidative stress, antioxidant intake, genetics, diet and lifestyle, and exposure to stress or ability to cope with stress.” Also Read – 5 triggers that damage your hair growth and how to control them

Follow these tips for premature graying:

  1. Take enough Antioxidant. By taking supplements in natural form such as vegetable and fruit juices, and in synthetic form.
  2. increase your Protein intake. It gives natural shine and good texture to your hair.
  3. Take care of your scalp. Include dark green vegetables and orange and yellow fruits and vegetables in yours Diet.
  4. Include more Minerals in your diet. Eat foods rich in zinc, iron and copper
  5. avoid Foods full of artificial colors and preservatives. They stress your digestive system
  6. Avoid commercially processed hair dyes. Try some natural supplements Hair mask.
  7. Use products that are gentle without any harsh detergents, such as sodium lauryl sulfate.
  8. Massage Your hair with your fingers. It helps in proper blood circulation in the scalp.
  9. Exercise Regularly promotes proper blood circulation to the hair follicles.
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Prevents premature graying of hair

Also Read – Hair Care Tips: Struggling With Frizzy Hair? These effective home remedies can give smooth and shiny hair – see

A healthy diet and proper hair care are also beneficial. However, the process can sometimes be reversible. Regular use of natural remedies can delay and reverse the aging process for gray hair.

Happy hair, happy you!

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