4 Ways to Make Walking Fun | Well+Good

GRAMgo outside for a walking training it’s a cuz way to hit that daily step count and get your body moving while getting some fresh air (which has some its main health benefits). But sometimes a hike can get, well, a little boring. Going down the same old route all over again can make you feel like a hamster in a wheel. We met with the coach and physical trainer. roxie jonesthe creator of BodyROXfor some tips to liven things up and make walking fun.

1. Being able to walk a dog

Put your four-legged best friend on the leash and hit the trails together. “I have a dog, so it’s always fun to have her as a companion,” says Jones. Not only is walking her dog a fantastic workout for both of you, but studies show that the extra company increases your overall activity level.

Don’t own a pet? Check with your local animal shelter and volunteer for weekly dog ​​walks.

2. Make it a friends outing

It can be hard to catch up with a friend during a Pilates or spin class. Instead, make plans for a weekly walk together. “I love calling a friend for a ride while we chat and have coffee,” says Jones. He can aim for a moderate pace to get his heart rate up while having a conversation.

Missing your best long distance friends? Make an appointment for a power walk phone call. Make sure to pop in AirPods so you don’t fiddle with annoying chords or get distracted juggling too many elements.

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3. Explore new places

It can be easy to fall into the same pattern for your walking training. But simply commuting to and from work or repeating the standard neighborhood route can become obsolete. Make walking fun again by exploring nearby trails or paths. Pick one with fantastic scenery and opt for a sunrise walk to start your day off in a spectacular way. Or choose a fun destination to get to, like a neighborhood you’ve never explored or that new store you’ve been dying to visit.

4. Lose yourself in an audiobook

“Pick up a really good podcast or audiobook to listen to while you’re out and about to get closer to the steps,” suggests Jones. Download an episode or book that really piques your interest; you might be surprised and go a little further just to keep listening. Pro tip: People we meet on vacation it will have you walking for miles to finish that swoon-worthy gem! For a metamoment, learn more about why we move while you’re sweating with this episode from the Well+Good podcast.

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