White Butter Benefits: Why Safed Makhan is a Must-Have With Sarso ka Saag? Nutritionist Reveals!

Having Sarson ka Saag with white butter can add flavour and nutritonal benefits. Expert lists down why you must have this mouthwatering combo this winter.

White Butter Benefits: Why Safed Makhan is a Must-Have With Sarso ka Saag? Nutritionist Reveals!

As the winter season arrives, one seeks comfort within a cosy blanket before a heater and with a cup of a warm beverage. The season is about putting on a jacket coat with some leg warmers and boots underneath and stepping out for a warm cup of coffee or soup or having some hot momos on the streets. Well, winter for North Indians, is another excuse to binge on the platters of sarson ka saag and make ki roti.

This irresistible combination is incomplete without white butter, also known as safed makhan in Hindi. Most people while having sarson ka saag, avoid white butter due to fear of gaining weight. But besides this, the Indian delicacy has several health benefits. This powerhouse of nutrients adds classic flavour to your saag, moreover offering benefits during the winter season. Award-winning Nutritionist, Lovneet Batra in her Instagram post, shared how white butter can complement the health benefits of saag.

Why to Team White Butter With Sarso ka Saag This Winter?

She said, “Ever wondered why WHITE BUTTER is a must-have with your saag?

Here’s Why

  • Rich in Fat-Soluble Vitamins: White butter is loaded with vitamins A, D, E, and K. These fat-soluble vitamins are essential for various bodily functions and are better absorbed when eaten with fats.
  • Aids Iron Absorption: Saag, especially if it’s spinach, is high in iron. The fat in white butter helps in the absorption of this plant-based iron.
  • Balances Bitterness: The creamy texture and richness of white butter balance the slight bitterness of greens, making your meal healthier and tastier.
  • Gut Health: White butter contains butyrate, a fatty acid that can improve gut health and reduce inflammation.
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So, next time you relish your saag, don’t forget to add a dollop of white butter for that extra health kick and flavour!



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