Man United launch academy mental health awareness month with Harry Maguire help

The Manchester United academy has launched a Mental Health Awareness Month to encourage conversation around mental health.

Throughout the month of March, various activities will be carried out, such as sports psychology workshops, practical training, round tables and branding in matches, with the aim of highlighting the work that the academy carries out in this area. The importance of mental health has been widely discussed in society in recent years and United I look forward to continuing that conversation.

United’s academy has worked closely with health organizations and charities to design a bespoke program that seeks to promote mental health and well-being throughout its world-leading youth development system. Each week throughout March will focus on a different theme, with sessions on how to connect, take note, be active, give back, and continually learn.

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United players and club legends will play their part in the month. They are scheduled to address various age groups throughout March to discuss personal experiences and answer questions from the group about how they built resilience throughout their careers.

harry maguire will be United’s ambassador for Mental Health Awareness Month. The United captain will be directly involved in a variety of sessions and will actively encourage conversation around the topic of mental health across the club.

“United does a fantastic job in this area in the first team, the academy and the community,” Maguire said.

“I am very much looking forward to supporting the academy in my role as an ambassador for Mental Health Awareness Month. I know first-hand what players experience when they are developing and as club captain I am always there to support them as they develop. that go through the system. .

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“It is important that everyone feels comfortable discussing any issues they may have and that as a society we promote good mental health for all. Awareness Month provides the perfect platform to build on the work that is already being done to promote the mental health and well-being of our young players.”

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