Two-time Olympic medallist Sushil Kumar is Tihar jail’s new fitness coach

Two-time Olympic medalist Sushil Kumar, currently being held at Tihar jail in Delhi, started working as a wrestling and fitness trainer for inmates, officials familiar with the matter said.

Prison officials added that at least 10 inmates have joined Kumar’s classes, which are held inside the compound. Previously, Kumar only exercised recreationally, and some inmates, such as former Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) student Umar Khalid, were reportedly training with him.

“Kumar’s classes for prisoners formally started last week, as part of the prison’s extracurricular activities. We expect the number of student-prisoners to increase in the coming days. Kumar had met with the jail superintendent and offered to open a gym inside the jail,” a prison official said.

Extracurricular activities in prison may include music classes, painting school, work in manufacturing units (such as jute, candles and perfumes). When formally established, these activities are supervised by prison officials.

Reports, including an assessment of the impact of such activities on inmates’ mental health, are regularly submitted to the jail superintendent. Prison officials encourage inmates to participate in activities to ensure that they do not fall into depression.

A second prison official said Kumar also has a team of other amateur trainers who help him. The officer said there are also theory classes, where the former wrestling star gives advice on the importance of physical fitness and advises other inmates.

“They have not been given any equipment because it is against the prison rules. They make use of what they can. A bucket of water or a stone in the garden could be used as a substitute for a weight. Before, he only exercised in his cell, but seeing that some prisoners had also started exercising with him in their own cells. This has now been formally started as an activity for other prisoners as well. They run, do push-ups and other different forms of exercise, which help reduce body mass. The inmates are excited because a celebrity is training them,” the second officer added.

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Lawyer Pradeep Rana, Kumar’s lawyer, confirmed that the fighter had started classes in prison. He said: “I spoke to him via video link and he said he was encouraging other prisoners about the importance of fitness. Sushil (Kumar) is doing what he can to pass the time behind bars. What can a man do to utilize the time when he has been framed for a crime?

Kumar, who won medals at the Beijing and London Olympics, faces charges of murdering 23-year-old wrestler Sagar Dhankad inside Chhatrasal Stadium. Delhi police in their charge sheet said Sushil Kumar killed Dhankar last year because his ego was hurt by rumors that his influence was waning and he wanted to restore his authority among younger athletes. Kumar’s lawyers have denied the accusations by the Delhi police.


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