Your memory can weaken due to stress and know the easy ways to avoid it – GoMedii |

It is said that as we age our memory weakens, but scientists say forgetfulness can affect anyone, at any age. Excessive worry, stress, and depression affect a person’s mind, causing their memory to weaken. Due to the weakening of the brain, there is a risk of dementia or Alzheimer’s in the person. When a person does not remember any incident that happened a second or two ago, a memorable moment or an old thing, even after remembering it, then this is his most serious symptom. The problem of memory loss starts suddenly and decreases day by day.


It is very natural to feel disappointed from time to time in life, but for some people, this period of disappointment or stress lasts for a very long time. Often a person is so surrounded by negative thoughts that he does not see any hope of success or happiness, and because of this stress he gradually begins to fall into depression. At present, the number of depressed patients in our country is rapidly increasing and the main reasons for this are discord in family life, tension in the office, breakdowns in relationships, etc.


In recent research, a team of scientists from the University of Utah revealed that there is a relationship between depression and memory and as such, patients’ memory may weaken due to the depression. Some depressed patients are so absorbed in their past and sad thoughts that they are unable to understand or remember new information.


In this research conducted by professors in the psychology department at Brigham Young University, 98 adults were included in a pattern separation test. In this test, people were given a list of questions in which they were asked about their level of depression or anxiety and other lifestyle questions like sleep duration, exercise duration, etc. . At the end of the research, scientists concluded that people with higher levels of depression had much lower scores on this pattern test.

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In this model test, participants saw a series of objects on their computer screen, some of which were already familiar to them and others that they were unfamiliar with. Research found that people with higher levels of depression had difficulty telling the difference between similar things. However, this does not mean that they suffer from amnesia at all but rather mental disorders. Health Because they are not well, they forget certain things.


Other research has also shown that people who try to suppress their negative emotions have the ability to reduce the impact of their negative memories. Therefore, it would be better if you release your stress with the help of meditation, yoga or therapy and depression Free yourself from the disease of.





Symptoms of a weak memory –




A bad memory can affect your life in many ways. suffering from memory weakness or amnesia (memory loss) children Has difficulty learning at school. They are often overlooked because they learn slowly. They may have great skills, but their inability to retrieve facts may become their weak point. Many people lose their important documents and money, but actually suffer from poor memory and are considered careless. It can also affect your relationships and work, causing stress and depression.





Due to weak memory –





  • memory loss due to age


  • Excessive medication use causes brain weakness
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  • Excessive drug use is the cause of mental weakness


  • Lack of sleep can cause forgetfulness


  • Stress is the cause of memory loss problem


  • Head But deep wounds are also the cause of poor memory.





Simple Ways to Avoid Weak Memory




1. Get enough sleep


several times Sleep Memory also begins to weaken due to lack of sleep. So to sharpen the memory Sufficient Sleep a little. Getting enough sleep increases the brain’s ability to learn new things.




2. Don’t take blood pressure


to take tension Body In the name of Cortisol hormones Is formed, which affects memory. Because of this, you start forgetting things and things. Therefore, stay stress-free to sharpen your memory. Yoga to stay stress-free, Attention And exercise, etc.




3. Learn something new every day


Learn something new daily to improve your memory. Research has shown that instead of performing simple tasks, learning digital photography, driving, music, etc. brings better changes in memory and sharpens the brain.




4. Pay special attention to your diet


to improve memory diet Eat lots of green vegetables and Water Drink. Apart from this, consume non-veg products made from fish and fish oil, it is very beneficial for the brain. Consume less red meat, dairy products and sweets. consume too much sugar Brain Shrinkage and memory are also affected.




5. Get vitamin D tested


vitamins Vitamin D helps maintain good memory. memory despite its lack weak It might be possible. To do this, regularly sit in the sun for a while.

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