Women have sleep problems due to premature ovarian failure.

Do you know what premature ovarian failure (POF) is?


In cases of premature ovarian failure, also called premature ovarian insufficiency (POI). The average onset of this pathology is 27 years, but this problem occurs in women from adolescence. In some cases, this condition is present from birth. As age increases, so does the risk of POF.




according to studies



  • According to a study, women with positive ovarian insufficiency Women She is taking hormonal treatment, she is not sleeping well and Fatigue We feel even more.


  • Menopause: A study published in “The Journal of the North American Menopause Society” found that, despite hormonal treatment, premature babies ovarian Women suffering from insomnia (POI) are unable to sleep well. According to statistics, 40 to 50 percent of postmenopausal women complain of not sleeping well. For example, they don’t sleep quickly and even if they do, they don’t sleep well.




Causes of premature ovarian failure



Premature ovarian failure is caused by the loss of eggs, which can be the result of the following conditions:


Chromosome diseases


Genetic conditions such as Turner syndrome and turner frailty syndrome In women with menopause syndrome, there is one normal X chromosome, but the other X chromosome is altered or missing. On the other hand, in women with fragile chromosome syndrome, the



toxic substances


radiation and Chemotherapy Most women who undergo (radiation and chemotherapy) may experience toxin-induced ovarian failure because toxins can create genetic material in cells and affect their contents. Cigarettes, medications, pesticides, viruses, and chemicals can also precipitate premature ovarian failure.

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Autoimmune diseases




An autoimmune disease occurs when the body’s immune system Body It begins to attack cells and tissues. When an autoimmune disease ovary When they affect the ovaries, the antibodies damage the follicles in the ovaries, which contain eggs. Although its exact cause is unknown, it is believed to be a response triggered by a virus.





Idiopathic cause


Sometimes the cause of the POI is unknown and cannot be identified even after further testing.



Symptoms of premature ovarian failure



Symptoms of premature ovarian failure are similar to those of menopause and include:



  • night sweats


  • no sleep at all


  • depression, irritability or anxiety


  • difficulty concentrating



  • sex lack of desire


Complications of premature ovarian failure



Premature ovarian failure leads to certain complications such as:




If the egg is completely gone, you have pregnant There is no chance of this happening. However, if your eggs are not completely depleted, you may still be able to conceive.




estrogen hormone bone Helps maintain strength. low estrogen production weak And can cause brittle bones, which are likely to break.


Depression and anxiety


Since women infertility And there is a risk of other complications, because of this condition they may suffer from depression and Worry Can pass.


cardiac disease


At an early age, estrogen or estrogen deficiency or Heart The risk of illness may increase.

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Due to estrogen deficiency in many women dementia The risk may increase.



treatment of premature ovarian failure



  • Although there is no treatment to restore the functionality of your ovaries, there are some treatment options that can reduce the symptoms of the condition.


  • hormones Treatment is prescribed for women combining the hormones estrogen and progesterone. This can be done using pills, sprays, patches, gels or vaginal rings. Hormone therapy can provide your body with hormonal balance and relieve any conditions you may suffer from estrogen deficiency, such as: osteoporosisheart disease, dementia, etc.


  • Medication may be prescribed to prevent hot flashes.


  • pregnancy To achieve this, women can choose artificial insemination methods such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or obtain donor eggs.



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