Stealth Omicron Symptoms: Sore Throat, Elevated Heart Rate and Other Symptoms to Watch Out For!

While most countries are opening their borders and welcoming tourists, China, on the other hand, is currently witnessing the worst outbreak of the Kovid-19 virus in two years. On Tuesday, China’s new Kovid-19 cases more than doubled from the previous day as the country faced its biggest outbreak since the early days of the epidemic.Also read – Increase in covid in Asia and Europe; Were we too early to call the epidemic local?

News Agency AFP The National Health Commission reported that 3,507 new locally transmitted cases had been identified in the recent 24-hour period, up from 1,337 a day earlier. Also read – Video: China builds 6,000-bed hospital in 6 days amid record spike in Covid case | See

A rapidly spreading variant known as the “stealth omikron” is testing China’s zero-tolerance strategy, which kept the virus in the bay after a fatal initial outbreak in the city of Wuhan in early 2020. More than 10,000 cases have been reported in China for the first time. Two weeks of March, more than the previous flare-ups. Also read – Explained: What is Stealth Omicron that is spreading rapidly in China and how deadly is this sub variant

There have been no new deaths in multiple outbreaks across China, and the number of cases is lower than in many other parts of the world. More than 444,000 cases have been reported in the UK in the past week. Hong Kong, a semi-autonomous city that tracks its rage separately from the mainland, reported 26,908 new cases on Monday alone.
About three-quarters of China’s new infections were in the northeastern province of Jilin, with 2,601 cases reported. Small outbreaks have occurred in more than a dozen provinces and major cities, including Beijing and Shanghai.

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What is Stealth Omicron?

Zhang Wenhong, a leading infectious disease specialist at Fudan Hospital in Shanghai, says the current epidemic is driven by a type commonly known as the “stealth omikron” or BA2 lineage of the omikron variant. Preliminary research suggests that it spreads faster than the original Omicron, which itself spreads faster than the original virus and other types.

According to a study led by Danish researchers, the BA.2 subtype of Omicron is 1.5 times more transmissible than the original Omicron strain. Omicron, also known as B.1.1.529, has three main substrates, BA.1, BA.2 and BA.3, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to Cornelius Roemer, a bioinformatist at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel in Switzerland, the BA.2 subvariant is likely to have originated from a common ancestor around the same time as the original Omicron, also known as BA.1, so it is not one. Descendant but a brother.

Features of Stealth Omicron:

The WHO has previously stated that the Omicron variant affects the upper respiratory tract rather than the lungs. Omicron type usually leads to common cold-like symptoms with early stage symptoms of dizziness and fatigue. Other symptoms appear two to three days after catching the virus.

  • Fever
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Cough
  • Dry throat
  • headache
  • Muscular fatigue
  • Elevated heart rate

In the BA.2 variant, the person will not experience loss of taste and smell, shortness of breath. Colds are one of the most commonly reported symptoms of BA, according to the UK’s Zoe Covid study application. 2 types of omicron.

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