In case of diabetes you can eat potatoes, it will have no effect on health.

Potatoes against diabetes : Diabetes, i.e. sugar, is a never-ending disease. It cannot be controlled. In this disease, one must pay special attention to one’s diet. Especially in type 2 diabetes, even a little negligence regarding food can be dangerous.

The question often arises in the minds of diabetic patients: whether they can eat potatoes or not. Can eating potatoes be harmful to them, if not how can they include them in their diet? We will find out from the experts…

Should you eat potatoes or not if you have diabetes?
According to experts, type 2 diabetic patients can consume potatoes in proper quantities. The properties similar to cereals are found in potatoes. It contains hard carbohydrates and starch. It also contains nutrients like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Experts say that if potatoes rich in all these nutrients are consumed properly, the risk of increased blood sugar levels can be reduced.

Other benefits of potatoes
Eating new potatoes can be beneficial for diabetic patients. Its glycemic index is around 70. It is believed that foods with a glycemic index above 70 can be harmful to health. To reduce the glycemic index of potatoes, you can eat them with leafy vegetables. Type 2 diabetic patients can consume at least 200 grams of carbohydrates per day.

how to eat potatoes
According to experts, potatoes should always be consumed with other vegetables. You can eat Aloo-Puri for breakfast. Vitamin C is found in antioxidant potatoes. Apart from this, it can also be consumed with potato curry, peas, cabbage and brinjal. The electrolyte present in it can be beneficial for the heart, muscles and nervous system. Potato peel contains fibre, which is good for digestion and can reduce weight. However, potatoes should be consumed only on the advice of a doctor.

  लंग बायोप्सी कैसे होती हैं। - GoMedii

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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